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Toledo 'Blade' Photog Altered Sports Pic, Calls It 'Big Mistake'

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The gist of it is, a photographer altered a photo to remove a pair of legs that

distracted from the theme of the photo - but since it was a news photo and not

an 'illustration', it is prohibited by Blade rules. Click link to read story in

"Editor and Publisher."

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So if its ok to break the rules of your employer; when it the line drawn again? is it a little bit more doctoring? a little bit more theft? a little bit of lies in an article? a little bit of virus/worms launched on the companies severs? Or just a few guns taken to work? Normally a pro alerts ones employer of possible grey areas; and doesnt try to pass off or skirt rules. The newspaper has a reputation to uphold, doctoring of images drops their image. Even if a small infraction many companies inforce rules to curb buffoonery.
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A policy is a policy.


The the paper has a "no digital alterations" rule, then that's what it has.


It doesn't have a "no digital alterations unless the changes don't really matter" rule.


With the former, it's 100% clear. With the latter you start to have to debate "what matters".


It it was me and the paper didn't have a "no cropping" rule, I'd simply have cropped the image.

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