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Contax G lens and Leica R lens


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Dear All




I have been using Contax G system (G2 with 28, 45, 90) and Leica R (R6.2 with 21/4, 35/2, and 50/20) for about two years.




The tiny, dim viewfinder and focusing noise of the G2 make me crazy, but it is a pleasant surprise to see slides when they are processed (accurate focusing and all those beautiful color !). On the other hand, it is really fun to use R6.2 with all those beautifully constructed R lenses, but somehow I am not able to produce such sharp images and saturated color. Especially, it seems that I have problems to generate sharp images with R lenses.




So my question is:

Should I simply admit that G2 lenses are superior to my R lenses ?

Or a range finder system is better than SLR for focusing because of the lack of mirror slaps ?

Or should I spend some time to improve focusing accuracy with my R6.2 ? If it is possible, how ? Using a tripod is hardly an option for me since most of photographs are taken during tight field trips in developing countries.




I appreciate your comments.

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I too have a G2 (with 21mm and 45mm) and a R6 (28mm/2.8, 50mm/2.0 and

APO 100mm/2.8) and I think they compliment each other. I feel that

the colour of the Carl Zeiss lens are more vivid and sharper but yet

the Leica APO 100 is yet more natural and has a more realistic feel

to it but still very sharp.

After a while, I actually feel that the pictures taken with R6 is

more true to life than the G2. But mind you, both are very good. I

like the G2 as a travel camera as it has autofocus and other people

can take a few photos for you (ie you can be in the photos) and it is

much lighter than the R6 outfit.

I like both system but I think they each have their good points.

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Try using the R6.2 on a good tripod and then compare results. It

is very common to try and handhold speeds that are too slow to

get really sharp results; especially with reflex cameras. For

sharp results with a 50mm lens use AT LEAST 1/250, higher if

possible. Rangefinder cameras spoil us and make us think we

can get acceptable results with any camera at 1/15.

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Well, my .02� here.




Using a R7 with 24mm, 35mm, 50mm since a few years and it gives a lot

of satisfaction.




Sharpness and Contrast? Yes, even in situations where I get a 1/10sec

to focus and trip the shutter.




Here is an example with the 35mm/f2, low light and 100ASA film:





I'm a google wearer and focusing is sometimes tricky however, I

always try to prepare or pre-focus, depending on the subject. DOF is

also a very important factor, the couple dof/speed needs to be

adjusted to some acceptable value (experimentation, of course)




One other thing is a sure hand as the R7 is really heavy.




Practice or keep the Contax, after all, if it gives you satisfaction,

carry on.

Regards. X.

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The 21/4 R is not the sharpest of lenses. It needs to be stopped down

to at least f6.3 to get the corners sharp. Even then it will not

compete with the 28mm/35mm and 45/50's that you have. Your should

really compare the current 28mm-R or the 19mm-R if you want to

see first rank Leica R wideangle performance. Still the 35mm and the

50mm R should be absolutely fine. They are wonderful lenses. I agree

with the above - you need to ensure that you are setting at least

1/250th sec shutter speed - 1/125th I don't think will really cut it

for the 35 and 50mm for critical sharpness, although you might get

away with it. The 21mm-R will never look the same as a 28mm, neither

will the 21mm Biogon in my estimation. You can use lower than 1/250th

on the R6.2, but you have to take extra care. I use a chest pod very

frequently with my Rs.




Also remember you are not comparing like with like with the exception

of the 50 and 45mm. As to color saturation differences, I don't really

believe they exist - the lenses might produce (G to R) slightly

different color palettes, but both will be equally good.

Robin Smith
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I second John's response. On and off throughout the years I go

through periods where all of a sudden I start getting unsharp images.

My first thought always seems to be to have the camera checked for a

bump or some such thing that has thrown out the alignment of -

whatever. Invariably I put the camera on a tripod, focus carefully

and await the result - which are always tack sharp. Then for another

year or so I'll remember to breath properly, squeeeeze the release and

brace myself (or use a tripod) when going below 1/30 (or 1/125 with

the R)....

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