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mamiya/sekor 1000 DTL Repair uk?

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Ive had a mamiya/sekor 1000 DTL from 68 for a few years now,it was a

hand-me-down off my mum. Ive loved using it, but its been out of action foa while.


The spool where the film catches on (sorry for this painfully inexpert

decription) has some of the plastic split off in a chunk, allowing the little

metal rod which i *believe* lets the shutter button go...


however as this little metal rod has been lost i cant compress the shutter button.


As this camera isnt exactly top of the range, or in great demand, will it be

possible to get it repaired, or is it indeed worth it? Its of sentimental value

to me... and its a shame to let it go to wast as i have tons of stuff to go

with it!


Any advice?


Im in Leeds, UK if that helps...



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The 1000 DTL was my first new camera when I was in grade school. I thought I was the coolest kid in school<g>. I used it constantly into Jr. High School and it gave up the ghost around then. It was more money to repair it than to move on to my first Canon (an EF). I would expect you'd find the same issue today. However, you can buy one on fleabay for peanuts. I picked up one with the 55mm f/1.8 lens that looked nearly new for about $25 for sentiment's sake.
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it certainly is a nice camera, and the lenses for it are very nice. If it has sentimental value then I would consider repairing it. An overhaul for this unit in US, would run any where from 55-75 USD.


The spotmeter is a pretty cool feature, at a time when none of the other camera companies were sporting it. Good luck.

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I have a 500DTL and I really like it. Pushing the advance lever against the body to meter is a lot more comfortable than using the up and down clicking switch of the Spotmatics or the Vivitar 220 SLs. Eventually I'll have my 500DTL overhauled. My M42 lenses get more use on my Canon F-1 and Minolta X-700 bodies with adapters than on M42 bodies. I might also like one of the Cosina made Bessaflex bodies.
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Thanks for the replies, i think ill take it to a photography shop in the city this weekend and just get a quote, if its expensive to repair, i think ill get another body to use the lenses with and resign it to the shelf to look nice! If not ill try for a repair.


thnaks again!

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