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James Nachtwey: World's Cruelty and Pain, Seen in an Unblinking Lens


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"The Sacrifice" runs through April 24 at 401 Projects, 401 West Street, at Charles Street, West Village, (212) 633-6202.


"World Free of TB" runs through April 27 in the visitors' lobby of the United Nations, First Avenue at 46th Street, Manhattan, (212) 963-0089. (Closed on April 6.)

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I saw the exhibition. It was extremely moving. Nachtwey never ceases to do great stuff that contributes to a better world. It seems odd to talk about equipment when it comes to Nachtwey becuase of his subject matter, but I couldn't help but notice the sharpness of his prints. So, as a Leica lover, I had to tip my hat to Canon after seeing his work up close. But do go and see the exhibition.
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Equipment is irrelevant when considering Nachtwey's work. It is astounding. I own a copy of "Inferno" and it is stunning in a terrible way. It's difficult to page through in one sitting.


I also have a DVD documentary on Nachtwey and he does indeed shoot Canon, both film and digital, when working.

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