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I switched from Photo Mechanic to Lightroom and it's drastically improved my workflow. As

Simon said above, the answer is yes to all of your questions. Definitely download and try the

trial first; it'll take a few tries at importing and organizing your Library before you decide to

settle in on a workflow.

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The library is slow and clunky, the access to files (once you have more than say 50k cataloged) is way slow. I do understand the reasoning Adobe used, but if it operates this slowly, its pretty much useless for me.



The work around for this is to import only the folders you will be working on. Then once you are done editing, dump the folder from your list. You can also keep multiple separate folders and access them individually (mini libraries) for better working speed.


I am still working on the speed/processing aspect.


For workflow in general, this replaces all but PS CS, IMO.


Best, D.

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before you guys go around saying it's too slow, check the system requirements, lightroom has pretty high standards to make it work speedy.


That being said, I'm running an intel mac with 1gb ram, and a core2duo with 2gb ran and it's very fast on both

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