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Counterfit Extreme III memory cards?


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Shooting with my 20D, I recently purchase a 4GB Sandisk Extreme III memory

card and it is so sloooooow. Could it be a counterfit card? This is the same

brand that I have in a 2GB card, however my 2GB card writes much faster than

the 4? Is this normal for a larger card or could it be some sort of knock off

that I purchased?

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Where did you buy it?


Please don't say Ebay....


Larger cards are no slower. Extreme III is Extreme III and is very fast. Your shooting speed with a 20D should be limited by the cameras ability to write fast when using an Extreme III card, not by the speed of the card.


Since card speed in a 20D isn't an issue unless you are shooting very long bursts of images and filling the camera buffer, what makes you think this card is slow?

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I'd still like to know why the card seems slow. The card speed doesn't affect the shooting rate of the 20D unless you fill the buffer.


Is the playback noticably slow, or is the transfer speed to a PC noticably slow?


I'm using a bunch of cards from 133x Lexars to 12x generic cards and when I'm shooting I can't tell which one I'm using unless I take it out of the camera and look at it!

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One can do a transfer rate test of the card; like its a hard drive using a GOOD reader and your cards. With SD cards off of Ebay I have bought some hawked as being fast actually test as fast; others I have bought seem to have just cool looking labels with fast; XXX speed printed on them. An actual fast card can also "back down" to as lower media rate transfer speed if a camera/devices software to card have some squables too.
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An unknown card can be tested as a logical drive with a known decent reader. One tests the megabytes per second transfered with a test program. You want to use a USB 2 port or a firewire port for the reader. A USB 1 hub; a USB 1 reader; a USB 1 port will drop the read/write transfer rate down to say 0.8 megs per second; even if its a fast card. The test hardware should be so one is testing the bottleneck; slowpokeness of the card tested; not your settup's bottlenecks. Thus with SD cards here I just test the Ebay cards to figure which are real and which ones I have are fakes. Most cameras have internal memory as a buffer. If your card is slow one can "run out of buffer room" during a fast shooting of many frames; or when shooting higher end video. Here the buffer fills up while one the slow poke card is writing. With video this results in as stoppage, lockup or frames lost.
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This counterfit crap absolutely sucks and pisses me off. The buffer fills up after only 3 or 4 shots on this crap card. I think my ebay days are over. Ebay will do nothing about this stuff being misrepresented and sold as the real deal. What a scam. This can't be legal.
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The buffer on the 20D is good for about 20 JPEGs or 6 RAW images. That shouldn't really be greatly affected by card speed. I assume you must be shooting RAW if the buffer fills after only 3 or 4 images.


Ebay is well known to be full of counterfeit memory cards. It's been reported here at least a dozen times. Most of the memory cards being sold in bulk on Ebay by individuals or overseas dealers are, in fact, fakes. See the warning on my website for example: http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/digital/compact_flash_memory_cards.html#ebay_warning


You might also find this link useful - http://reviews.ebay.com.au/FAKE-SanDisk-Extreme-Compact-Flash-Cards-Exposed_W0QQugidZ10000000001449653

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I have a 4Gb Ultra II purchased from a reputable company in the UK (picstop), and have found it slower than an older Lexar 66x 1Gb card. Not in terms of transfer speeds to the PC, which are very fast, but more in terms of what seems to be allocation table writes. Telling my 350D to delete all files takes an age - it takes about half a second to delete each file. I never had such a problem with the Lexar card, which would delete about 10 files per secon.
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