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Digital Proofs


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To clarify, I'm referring to online proofing applications such as PicTage, PickPic, SimplePhoto,

etc. Such proofs are typically only a medium-quality JPG constrained to around 400 pixels.

You can watermark your images. They are right-click disabled. And if you try to print the

page only the frame will print, not the image itself.

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I had a look at pictage. It took me less than 5 minutes to figure out how to get an image from them with no watermarks and slightly higher resolution. This one is from their demo. I don't know if it's the original file or what.<div>00KXK5-35736284.jpeg.e5f0c4ccf72aea115b96d7b689da6687.jpeg</div>
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Or instead of giving a proof CD you can give a magazine style proof album. This way they are not limityed to only viewing the pics online, they can take the book with them to show off to everyone and possibly get prospects out of it. They are only a little more expensive then the CD, but require less of your time to put together, and free advertising from your client to there friends.
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thank you all very much for your replies. For the moment i will stick to my conventional way, but reduce the resolution of proofs as i guess they were rather high, but the other options sound very interesting and worth investigating.

thanks again.

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