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Yes, it is a Japanese camera. It has always been made in Japan by Fuji. And Fuji makes an identical but cosmetically different version that says Fuji on the body and lenses instead of Hasselblad. But Hasselblad sells and services the camera outside of Japan and therein lies the problem. If you are outside of Japan, you should have a Hasselblad marked body because only those have been sold by Hasselblad. If you buy a Fuji body in USA or Europe, the chances are you need to send it to Japan to get it repaired. Hasselblad is not responsible for the service of cameras it has not imported and sold. And either because these are Japanese instead of Swedish made cameras or because they are electrically more complicated and thus more fragile, the chance that you need to send it for repair is higher than for a 500C body for example. And unlike that old mechanical 500C, not every repair person can fix them since they are such electronic marvels.
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