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AE-1Program in the Winter

Andy Collins

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<p>Not too long ago I described my AE-1P as a camera that I was, well, a bit ambivalent about. I'd had one before but didn't really pay it much attention and didn't use it too much. That has all changed. After using this particular AE-1P I really like it. I took it out in the winter weather with my 7D and took a few shots, and came away really pleased with the way it performed. I think it's beginning to grow on me...</p><div>00VYkg-212263684.jpg.aa7c1296fa65f063869b02ef03037ced.jpg</div>
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<p>Nice shots, Andy. I like the pine tree with the fence in the foreground. It looks so "wintery". Some of my best shots have been taken with the FDn 50/1.8 and it is one of my favourites for a lightweight lens when going walkabout. It was my first FD lens.</p>

<p>I just purchased a black AE-1P for my FD collection a few days ago and I hope to receive it tomorrow. Lucky for me, it looks almost identical to my A1, so my wife probably won't notice that I have another camera! According to the seller, it has just had a CLA so I can't wait to take it for a spin.</p>

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<p>You have done well again Andy, nice and crisp in both senses of the word. I know how you feel about the AE1, I don't have one, but I do have an A1, and it all feels a little plasticky compared to a FTb or F1.<br>

That aside, they do really work well, I believe that the AE1P was a huge seller for Canon. Your 50mm 1.8 is an often overlooked optic, but a great performer none the less.....and very light to carry around.</p>

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<p>I enjoyed your wintery shots Andy, deer and Deere made me laugh! I find I use my AE-1P as my general walk-about camera, with a FDn 50mm f1.8 in my bag, (and FDn 28mm f2.8, FDn 200mm f4 or 135mm f2.8). The only problem I have with the 50mm is it´s harsh bokeh when shooting closeup with an extension tube. Otherwise, for me it´s a good lens.</p>
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<p><strong>Stuart</strong> --Thanks. I'm really enjoying this lens quite a bit. Good luck getting the new camera into the house!</p>

<p><strong>Tony</strong> --Thank you. I think the plastic feel was a part of what turned me off in the past, but I think I've now moved beyond that. I can see why it sold so well.</p>

<p><strong>Andy</strong> --Thanks for the compliment. I haven't used this lens for any close-ups so I'll have to try some to see what the bokeh is like.</p>

<p><strong>Louis</strong> --I appreciate your comments. Like I said earlier, I think this camera is really growing on me. I've got it loaded again and ready to shoot.</p>

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