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Pros, what can I do with this image?

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Alright! I grabbed a different photo from the same morning which is very similar, and decided to work on that instead. I did some changes to it: curves, selective color, level, burn, etc. Tell me what you think, and more importnat, what is missing.

BTW, Cristian N, I love your gallery. How do you achieve such vivid colors?<div>00KS78-35629584.jpg.0c9b36bdbe2b6913893cac23a7e7650e.jpg</div>

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There's a couple of things that I think could help give this good photo some more snap. First, check out this article on local contrast enhancement.




You might apply it selectively or just hit the whole image with it.


Second, brighten and increase the contrast on your father's face, especially around the eyes, just a tad. You don't want a picture to look manipulated. Basically, make a circle around his face and feather it at like 50 points. Then play with the levels adjustment.


Good luck.

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Your father is doing something very real and personal, whether or not anyone else sees the mysteries he sees. For that matter, I don't think his religion advocates mystical images. "Mystical" means BS, though the world abounds in mysteries.


I like Eliott N's rendition. The shortcomings of the original are the featureless light and the tungsten color.

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This image works better in that his eyes are focused and attentive to his activity. The other must have caught a blink.


I'm not sure what you're after but this version isolates him a bit by darkening the periphery of the image, as well as some of the facial shadows, book edges, etc. Added some grain, toned down the red a bit and overall ended up with a bit more contrast. Also rotated it about a degree clockwise.<div>00KSO8-35635384.jpg.f62d38d9973eb7477e13a61ec90aa84a.jpg</div>

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I think the mood in the second image is less, but at least it is more of a study image.But the first is low imotion, and as one said (Ellis) the eyes are in a between state, or it appears. So far I like what Howard did...Since he darkened all around it..it became more of a believable scene, and when the darkness is in your mind, you can understand or imagine why he looks the way he does rather than a raidiating glow from the candle that shows hope...in the face, it doesnt show hope at all, it is somber, and the darkness helps this. Also seperating the candles flame from the right side helps.
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  • 4 months later...

First of all you must get rid of the bad parts like flare, candle in this case and bad highlights (on the nose) ... and everything that is bad of course. Look at this quick fix and tell me what you think.


Put your sample in ps and mine in a different layer and hide/reveal the layer and see differences between them. (are the same size)


Best regards, Cristiann.

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