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"Prom Style" On site workflow


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I am shooting a college sorrority ball. I am rather adept at the lighting

setup, but am interested in how to handle the on site work flow. I will have a

money changer, but outside of that I'm not sure how to make things go more

smoothly. To simplify things, I will be using a lab for prints, but will need

to have the students fill out order form and pay, then match the frames to the

people. Also was thinking 3 shots per couple just to make sure no blinks etc.

Any tips or suggestions would be great!

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I do team sport pics and I think it can be run the same way. Have an envelope for them to fill out with their name, phone #, and package selections printed on the envelope. Then, the night of the ball they fill out the envelope and pre buy thier package,putting the money in the envelope. Take thier envelope first, pose them on the backdrop or selcted area, and take about 3 images. Write the last image # on the top corner of the envelope. Then, when you are getting ready to print, match the file # to the envelop and pick the best of the three. I will then rename the file to match their actual name, to aviod confusion later. Have the prints printed, and either give them to the chairperson of the ball, or mail them to the couples. (Make sure you charge enough to cover mailing costs.)
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Great Information. Thanks for sharing your experience. I really like that you have the photography students help with the business side of the work. You are providing an excellent opportunity for the kids to learn skills that will help them should they wish to go into photography or business!

Thanks again, we need more teachers teaching "real life lessons"

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