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Re: 6.5x9 Zeiss-Ikon

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Here is a nude shoot that I was working on today. Taking with the Zeiss-Ikon, one thing I like about this camera that it has a self timer so I never need a cable;-), Film was the last of my 4x5 Agfa 400 rated at 400 developed in PMK 10ml:20ml:500ml for 5 minutes at 75 degress.<div>00KNSi-35533984.jpg.451db14dff4eeb193234663465ae344b.jpg</div>
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You guys are crazy;-)

As I got my two new film holders with the film sheaths. I took a look at the back of them and look like you can use 6.5x9 film or 2 1/2 x 3 1/2.I cut my film to 6.5x9cm and work well. I know at Freestyle they sale both film. One for about $8.00 and the other for about $12.00. Has anyone use both size to see if any big gap? I like cutting my own because I like to use Tri-X, Hp5+ and Fp4+.






I don't have a problem cutting my film. I just wanted to know what others are using as for film size in their little 6.5x9 cameras. Has anyone tried cutting roll film? I just took a look and will see if I can tonight to see how that work out. I'll give you guys the update.<div>00KNyr-35542384.jpg.7503a094a0d9a17235a42dd98882180a.jpg</div>

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Thanks Michael, I have read that article and also that is were I ended up buying my film holders with film sheaths. I did try cutting some 120 Tri-X and it was a pain in the ass because of the curls. I'm now sticking with cutting my 4x5 film and that work so much better. Like I said before I know I can get film for it. The choice of it I don't care that much for Efke film, so I will be sticking with my Tri-X, HP5+ and FP4+. I have everything and I'm happy so thank you all. I'm now having fun shooting and that's what it's all about. Later guys.


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Ilford sells(or did very recently) 2.25x3.25 sheets of HP5+. I don't remember what I paid(25 sheets to a box) but I remember it was reasonable through Adorama I think, or maybe BHPhoto. I still have a couple boxes. It works fine for me in my Voightlander and KW film holders. Not sure how it would do in a Zeiss-Ikon holder, but I can't imagine there is that much difference.
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  • 2 months later...
I know this is old, but I wanted to update the info just incase someone is looking for help. B&H dose sale it and also every year I can order as much as I want because Ilford dose a cut run for one of the Photographer shop in Palo Alto CA, Keeble & Shuchat. I also get to buy some nice clean cut 9X12;-)
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