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What kind of lens cap do I need for my 2.8 Tessar?


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Hello all, new to photo.net and was hoping to get a little info...


Just last week, I stumbled upon a VERY clean/nice Rollieflex 2.8 Tessar (SN:

1144447) which I walked away from the store with for $125. I had always wanted a

Rolleiflex 2.8, but as I'm a grad student, it was never really in my budget.

Patience and luck are good things I guess. Everything works fine, and the glass

is beautiful, except that the slower shutter speeds are a little slow. But

that's typical I think.


Anyways, on to the query:


Unfortunately, the camera didn't include a lens cap... and so I was searching

around the net, and I found a site that states that this camera takes bay II





But it lists it as taking "Spec Hood - II"


It's the only one that is described this way. Does it take the normal bay II

caps or are they particular to this model? Is "Spec" an abbreviation for

"Special" and does this indicate that the lens hood is the only thing that's



Thanks in advance for any information!





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There are different types of Bay II caps for the 3.5 E and F--the spaces between viewing and taking lenses are different. I don't know if the 2.8A takes one of these caps, or yet a third type. I vaguely recall reading that it takes a special type of Bay II hood and that one for the later f3.5 Bay II models doesn't fit.
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Maybe a stupid answer, but in my opinion, a lens hood is not a lens cap : a lens cap is used to protect the lens when the camera is not in use, the lens hood to protect against light or sun reflections.<br>

If you need a lens cap, and if the lens hood is a special one, where is the problem ?<br>

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Thanks for all the info guys. I suspected that I had something that I wouldn't be able to find accessories for so easily. Ugh. It kind of figures... history has shown that I subconsciously gravitate towards items that are quirky and hard to find parts for. Oh well.


Still a great camera, and I'm still happy to have it, I was just wanting to find a way I could protect the lenses because they're in such good shape, so far anyway.


Thanks again!


-Eric Hall

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