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3 problems with 30D

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I had my Canon 30D fixed a month ago as the mechanical chassis was faulty,

causing my mirror to not operate properly, pr muy pop-up flash. The camera was

fixed free of charge as it was still under warranty. I will say it took a week

from the time I sent it out to the time I got it back, so their repair and

customer service was top-notch in that dept.


Since I got my 30D back, I've noticed 3 problems:


Problem 1: for the past 2 weekends I was shooting rugby matches as our team's

spring season is in full force. My first match was shot at IS 800 with a 100-

400 IS USM lens, and a lens hood and UV filter. This past weekend I shot with

the same lens, only this time with no UV filter, but definitely with the lens

hood. ISO was at 400.


What I noticed in both cases is that there is a dark spot in the middle of my

pictures when post-processing. Dead center too. If it's in scenery I can

usually use the clone stamp tool in PS to patch the area. If's it's on

someone's face though, in an action shot, then that's a tad more of a pain. The

rest of the image is in good shape. Is it a CF card problem or a camera problem?

(I use Lexar 258MB cards, and a SanDisk 1 and 2GB card, which I make a point to

rotate their usage).


Problem 2: When I got my camera back, I noticed that when I insert my CF card

in, the CF card eject button slowly pops up, but not fully. When I go to eject

my card, I have to push the eject button down very hard, and even then, the

card doesn't pop out, I have to slowly pull it out.


Problem 3: When I turn my camera on and shoot, the first shot is a soft, almost

wimpy click/shutter release that produces no image (the LCD screen is black),

then when shooting images after that first shot every image is fine, in focus,

etc., and all the images show up on the LCD screen. This happens no matter what

lens I'm using (100-400, 17-40L, Sigma 28-200 aspherical, etc.), or if I'm

using the pop-up flash or 580EX, or whether I'm indoors or outdoors, cold or

warm weather (2 weeks ago it was 45 degrees here in Chicago when shooting, last

weekend it was 75 degrees in Austin when I was shooting).


My camera is still under warranty until mid-May. Can these problems be fixed by

me, or do I have to call in for reinforcements (as in contact Canon).


On the whole, though, my pictures have come out well, and the rugby boys I

shoot are very happy, even though they have no idea of the problems I have had

when shooting. Just so you know, the pics are shot in JPEG format, as they are

put on our team website.


But I am concerned, as I still have a long seasonof matches to shoot. I do have

a 10D as backup though if push comes to shove, then I'll use that. But I do

love my 30D, as it's so much faster to shoot rugby with it than the 10D


Your advice is appreciated.



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Dark spot in the middle sounds like dirt/dust on the sensor. Cleaning it is easy. Do a search on the internet for instructions, as there are several good methods.


Problem 2 may be normal. I'm not sure how far you expect the button to pop up, and how far you expect it to push the card out. It should compare almost exactly to your 10D though, and if it doesn't, you should get that fixed.


Problem 3 is definitely a problem that needs repair unless you want to live with it.


I would send it back with a list of exactly what is wrong with it, and explain that it was repaired before.

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Jim, it was a lot easier before my camera got fixed to push the CF card eject button - the card would pop right out. Now I literally have to really push hard on the button all the way down to even get the card loose enough to very slowly pull the CF card out.


I may, however, call Canon tomorrow and ask anyway to be on the safe side. There's a 2.9 MP difference between the 10 and 30D's, and I feel I may have to resort to the 10D this weekend.


I would say the dark spot would be dust, but I looked through my camera without any lenses, and there was no dust to be seen at all, and I do know how to deal with dust for sure. The spot on my pics almost looks "burnt in".



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Hi, you won`t see dust on the sensor throught the VF, only by physically looking at the sensor in `B` /sensor clean mode or as said take a pic of a white paper at f22.


Let Canon know you appreciated their speed and effort last time BUT youneed the camera right for your work.


sometimes when a job is rushed things get overlooked. sounds like the CF card slot may be to tight.


Good luck.

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I also own a 30D - fantastic camera, sounds like you have dust (like Chris JB said, you ONLY see the dust when looking directly at the sensor).

Your shutter isn't working properly, it might only be the 1st shot now, but in a couple of weeks it'd probably work very little, or break completely.Also the CF card button - get it fixed, you paid for a working camera, let them fix it.


I must agree on Canon's service (Ireland & UK), it's very good. I had my previous 20D fixed, very quick.


Good Luck

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