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1st one of the season, feedback appreciated...


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Hello everyone. Well, I just finished my first wedding of this season last Saturday. I have been doing

some editing and have posted 29 shots. They are not in any particular order, and they are not meant to

tell the whole wedding story in 29 shots, they are just random photos from that Saturdays wedding.


As always I wished I had more time with the couple, but as usual time flies too quickly, and didn't really

get to realize the full potential from this venue.


Anway, here are few samplings from that wedding and I would appreciate any feedback/comments/

critiques anyone might care to give. It can be as simple as "these need work" or "you rock" :)


Thanks so much in advance, and as always, let me know if I can return the favor.




Here is the the link: http://www.photo.net/photodb/slideshow?folder_id=706831

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I love your photography, and I know you said this was only some of the pics, but I would not use that first one of the bridesmaids fighting as a first shot. Also, many of the bride's ones she looks almost depressed. Think you should have some happy pictures in there.

Some of the pictures are absolutely beautiful though.

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There are some EXCEPTIONAL(you rock!!!) http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/5744251-md.jpg

shots and a few others that I think bring the quality of your work down (need work). There are a couple that are a bit blown out in certain areas http://www.photo.net/photo/5744368 and I think this shot http://www.photo.net/photo/5753124 wins hands down over this one http://www.photo.net/photo/5753082t

Overall, you rock!!! You do have a great eye and a wonderful portfoilo, keep up the good work!

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Stefanie (Pletscher), thanks. There are bride shots (I posted a few more which include the

bride). I haven't finished doing my edits and am working on the ones that grab my eye

first, so that will explain most of the brisemaid shots. Thanks for looking and



Harald, thanks. That one shot you are referring to: they were taking pictures of themselves

for a few minutes so I had a few opportunites to get this one. Oh and the bridesmaids

aren't fighting, they are just "dancing"...kids these days! :)


Justin, right back at ya! :)


Paul, thanks for your input. I did post a few more shot of the bride just to fill things out a

bit. I didn't really have much time at all with just the bride after she was ready or the

couple either, so I grabbed what I could and it will have to do.


Debbie, thank you. The bridesmaids are dancing not fighting. :) I'm not sure which ones

you thought the bride looked depressed in, when you saw the folder there was only one of

the brides face I think. Maybe you could clarify for me? Thanks for the feedback.


Kari, thanks so much.


Gina, thank you, I may be adding to the folder as the days pass.


Stephanie (Sokol), thank you. The blow outs were intentional. I was shooting the pre-

ceremony stuff all ambient/available light so in order to expose properly for what's inside,

you can't also get the right exposure for outisde too. So there has to be some blowing out

in order to get the exposure correct for the face. Usually blown out stuff like that bothers

me too, but for some reason I'm ok with it now. Thanks for your input.



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David, thank you. I mostly used the channel mixer, like 40 Red 32 Green 32 Blue. I know it

goes over 100 but if you are careful I think it's ok, it gives more brightness in the

highlights. You just have to be super careful about blowing out any detail in your




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Ok, like was I paying attention! I guess it was the bridesmaid with the long hair that I was making comments about. It was the two--one where she was looking at the dress, and then the one where she was on the couch with her reflection in the mirror. Also on the outside picture, the left part of the building was going to fall over. I LOVE the rest, really!!!, especially the b&w one where the bridesmaids are in the dark, and she is in the center looking out the window.
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I like the pics a lot too. Only very few shots bothered me seeing people in the background, but that stuff happens. Sometomes you can't avoid it. All of your shots were fun to look at! Looks like a great wedding! Looks like you had control over everthing! Way to go.
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Todd, these are great and inspirational. I am going on my third year of wedding photography. Time has really flown. I do not do it full time but on the side and all by word of mouth.


I have a couple of questions for you. First, how do you find time to get such "creative" shots. I feel so rushed that I feel I get so wrapped up in taking pictures that I forget to stop and really take a look around me and focus on more creative shots, which I feel would represent me better. Does that make sense?


Also, I see you have a mix of black and white with the color. Do you take creative control over which ones you want black and white vs. color? Or does the bride decide? You may make that decision while setting up the shot and not post processing.


Well thanks for sharing. I think they are great and I feel inspired by them!



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Debbie, no sweat. :)


Bob, thank you. Yeah, those pesky guests always seem to go where you don't want them,

just who do they think they are anyway? ;)


Suzanne, thank you so much. I feel rushed too, I think most of us do. What bugs me the

most is having a great location and not having enough time to exploit it.


I spent some time as a second shooter, so doing that enabled me to try and get more

creative because there wasn't as much pressure on me. So, I think that rubbed off on me a

little when I started shooting main. Sometimes, you have to put the camera at your side

and really look around to see what you can use creatively and eventually I think it will

become second nature.


Yes, I have creative control on B&W versus Color. It's rarely ever an issue, but I do tell my

brides that if they got B&W and they want color, I can do that for them. Letting them

decide before hand could be a headache. I almost always make the decision in post. Some

images just seem to work better in B&W and some in Color. I rarely even stop to think

about it while shooting.


Thanks Suzanne.


Eddy, thank you. I used a PJ Lightsphere on my Canon 580 EX and mostly bounced it

behind me. This venue was great for that. Although the ceiling were quite high, it was also

dome shaped whicih really threw the light around nicely.


Thanks again everyone, and I am still checking this thread if anyone else would care to

chime in.



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