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Under 200 dollars digital point and shoot

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Hi I usually post at EOS forum. This my first time here in this forum. I am

planning to buy a digital point and shoot. I would like to get opinions from

experts on this forum about what would be the best digital point and shoot

camera under or around $ 200. Keeping in mind all the pros and cons but Image

quality being an important factor. I have looked around on web, in local shops,

e.g. best buy and sams club etc and these are so many different cameras that I

am really confused. I will appreciate the help.


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The Canon A5XX or A6XX are probably the best cameras as far as image quality goes.


The ones in your price range is the A560 and A630




The a630 has a larger sensor, so presumably should have higher image quality.


Here is Ken Rockwell's review on the A550.

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Get the Fuji F20. Amazing value for money, given its IQ and overall performance. If you have troubles finding reviews you should keep in mind that the F20 is very similar to the thoroughly reviewed F30 -- indeed identical as far as image-processing is concerned -- except for a few features that won't matter unless you want manual control.
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S, If you don't mind buying a used camera, check out the reviews on the two, three or four-


old ones. Perhaps some of the posters here could point out a few. Then, go the KEH site and

find one that's rated Excellent or better. I recently bought a Pentax DMZ FS20 for around

$245 which I'm quite satified with-- and it was rated Excellent-minus. Good luck.



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Another vote for Fuji, but not the F30 etc, rather the E900. Might be about $50.00 over your budget, but an amazing little camera that can shoot RAW 9megapixel files. These 9meg RAW files can be post processed at an amazing 18megapixel resolution. At ISO 80 or 100, they will knock your eyeballs out. It hasn't the low light capability of the F30 and such, but it is no slouch there either and can produce very nice ISO 800 files that make credible prints 11X14 up to 13 X 19. The E900 is a sleeper, and maybe the best value out. Very fast, very comfortable to hold, and has an optical viewfinder, which is important to me.


Or, as I keep suggesting on these kinds of budget minded threads, you can pick up a refurbished Fujifilm F700 for under $100.00 and if you shoot RAW files, it also offers some seriously good image quality. USABargains via amazon sells them for $85.00 + shipping.


The latest Canons are not RAW capable, which may or may not matter to you, but IMO it can seriously limit your options.

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