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M3 and 40mm Summicron Pitch and Hood

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I have acquired an M3 and 90mm lens. I plan to buy a second lens in the 40-50mm

range, possibly the 40mm Summicron-C. I have read several threads about the

filter size and unusual pitch and various workarounds. Has anyone solved this

problem by ordering a step-up ring from S.K. Grimes? Any reason not to go that

route? Also, is there a hood that will fit the lens off-the-shelf, or does this

internet page represent the state of the art :)




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I guess what I don't understand is why the many threads on this subject don't talk about asking Grimes or someone similar make a custom adaptor. I don't think that it would cost that much, and would make it possible to use a range of filters and an off the shelf lens shade. Am I missing something?
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Robert ---


Not long ago, I bought a CL with the 40 Summicron C. As found, it had the original Leitz rubber hood, and a Series 5.5 UV filter held in place by the hood. Not a perfect fit, to be sure, but it appears to work well enough. So, Series 5.5 filters are a possibility, I guess.

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Someone here said they got a new one about 6 months ago.


Ideal solution is Grimes to make 39x.75 male to 39x.50 female and make it long enough so the regular vented clip on shade for 50/35 lenses fits. A small recess will need to be made to hold the shade clips and the od should be 42mm, same as a leica lens cap.


Send the whole rig to Grimes unless they already know the dimensions. Supposedly they make these all the time at least the adapter portion.


This is a major reason why I never bought the 40mm.

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Here's how I use my Summicron C: The shade had dried out and disintegrated so I put it in the lathe and sanded the rubber residue down to the diameter of the bezel of the 'cron. The remainder of the shade will hold the 5.5 filter in place. An E39 filter removed from its metal rim will make a tight fit if a 5.5 filter is unavailable. If it fits too tight it can be reduced in diameter with a few strokes of a diamond hone. At first I intended to turn a groove in the remaining rubber on the retaining ring but I discovered that the 12526 hood will clip securely into the soft rubber. If I wish to use the lens without the hood the E39 filters will fit securely for a few threads into the 'cron's bezel without cross threading -- just don't twist them in too tight! If you have the Rokkor and wish to use E39 filters just follow Al Kaplan's example and line the bezel's threads with a strip of masking tape. If that is too messy for you then you can make E39 filters work by slightly bending the threaded rim out a bit in three places around the periphery. Admittedly this method is somewhat unusual and non PC but I have used it for nearly twenty years without a hitch!
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"so I put it in the lathe...


"...it can be reduced in diameter with a few strokes of a diamond hone


"If you have the Rokkor ... just line the bezel's threads with a strip of masking tape."


Believe me, I admire this, but I am not only not a professional machinist, I don't aspire to be an amateur machinist :)


I just want to know, as a new owner of an M3 camera, whether I am right that S.K. Grimes can fix this problem with a simple adaptor.


The one thing that I'm concerned about, if I read this post correctly (maybe not) is that that there may also be an issue with the Rokkor.

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Buy a cheap 'leica summicron' hood of of the auction site ($9.99 for the one I bought)...

thread it into your 40-c... it fits fine, and stays there, I dropped my filter(50mm) straight into

the front of the hood, a touch of tape around the filter, or a dab of glue will hold it there fine,

and plus, it looks factory as heck! I will send you pics etc if you like.

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I've got a cheap "For Summicron 39mm" hood from that auction place. It screws into the 40 Summicron just far enough to be stable, and if you use a light touch, you won't damage any threads.

Having done that, you've now got a metal hood in place and, as already noted, you can make 50-ish filters work in the mouth of the hood.



But the <i>inside</i> of that 39mm flange at the back is also threaded; my calipers say the diameter is about 37mm. Is that a standard filter size? If so, you could screw the filter into the hood and the hood into the lens, and the filter would be well shaded.

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"Believe me, I admire this, but I am not only not a professional machinist, I don't aspire to be an amateur machinist :)"<p> I aint no "professional machinist! When first confronted by this issue I sanded down the rubber by hand and it isn't difficult at all. SK GRimes does wonderful work, but a "one-off" adapter will cost an arm and a leg. The Kaplan solution is no problem at all. Just cut a narrow strip of masking tape and stick it in place. Perhaps if Grimes would make a bunch of the adapters the set-up charge could be amortized, but it's still an expensive solution. <p> Al has advised me that if the rubber is trimmed down enough the rear of a Series VI hood will slip over it and a bit of epoxy will hold it in place. Anyhow it isn't a major operation. <p> BTW the only issue with the Rokkor is that it requires 40.5mm filters which are not commonly available. Other than that the lens is optically identical to the Summicron C.
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Thanks everyone for your responses.


A few years ago, I asked S.K. Grimes for a quote for a filter adaptor for a large format 1950s Wollensak 10"/254mm lens, which requires a filter size and pitch that is no longer available. The price was actually pretty reasonable, not cheap, but not crazy either. I think that I'm going to ask them what it would cost to do an adaptor for the 40mm Summicron-C.

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"BTW the only issue with the Rokkor is that it requires 40.5mm filters which are not commonly available. Other than that the lens is optically identical to the Summicron C."


In practice, the 40.5 filters and lens hoods aren't difficult to find. B&H lists several and www.fedka.com has some. Several digital videocams use that size. B&H also lists step-up rings in several sizes, including a 39>40.5.

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Dear Robert


Having recently gone down the same garden path and reviewed/researched all related past/present posts online I have found this hood option...and it is ideal.


I too having read all the (good) suggestions/descriptions and work people are doing to use the rectangular lens hood (which I like very much and used on my 35ASPH) and just didn't want to go that route either.


As others have mentioned in other posts, the standard 39mm filters and hoods can work fine. Simply stop when they become "snug".


I have read glowing reviews on "redleica1" on ebay by posters/researching the rangefinderforum, and even contacted the guy directly.


He posted one, I bought it, a month later I ask where it was and he said he refunded my paypal account as it had a "scratch in it".


I contacted him a few times afterwards and he responded with flaky replies and then none at all.


Long story short (yes, too late), I preferred the tapered style hood far more than the "heavystar" hood. From images seen online, I simply do not find it at all pleasing..


Purchased a tapered hood from a seller named "digibatterycity" (or something to that effect...Do a search for 39mm hood) and am very pleased with it. Very good quality, compact, aluminum exterior with proper matte interior. Again, very well built.


No messing about and it fits/suites the camera perfectly. Simply stop when it gets snug/tight. People I feel (having read/researched *before* actually receiving the 40 c-cron) were truly making too big a deal about the thread issue here. the *standard* 39mm thread works just fine. You will simply have ~1.5mm added to the lens length as it does not seat fully to lens body. Nothing more, and serioulsy don't worry about it.


It is a diamond of a lens. You'll love it.

Hope this is somehwat helpful.





(PS: No affiliation with these people. I am genuinely trying to offer help)

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I have an M3 and the 40, ive put a 39mm filter about half way on then attached a leica vented

hood to that (glue tape the works) the fixing lugs from the hood slot into the gap between

filter and lens, it works fine

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Cebes, I'm one of the people that's been talking up the Redleica1 hood - I may have been one of the first from what I've seen. It's a great hood, but I disagree with your comment that normal hoods fit "perfectly". Face it - we're jamming a hood with the wrong pitch threads onto the lens.
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