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Bride wants money back. What to do?


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I have the distinct advantage of having a wife who is an attorney (formerly she did medical malpractice which is good considering I am a physician). She also happens to be an arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau. We also have a wedding/scrapbook business as well.


Myself, I think you have done the right thing as far as contacting the bride and trying to make her happy. However, it is obvious she is trying to get her wedding photos for free. I would not give her a full refund. Your time is worth something. Even without the photos you did show up to the wedding and spent several hours working. I would calculate an hourly rate for your servcies and also if you had an assistant ($100 or more an hour is about right). If she does not like the photos and wants a refund, she should still pay you for your time. Also she must return all dvds and prints. This is firm. She did not pay for them. Also you retain copyright for any use of those images. Without permission from you, you can sue. I know many people don't have the stomach for this, but over time you will run into this. You do of course have to balance this with your reputation with the wedding coordinator. Also for most, it does cost quite a bit of money to hire an attorney ($300 an hour).

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this is easy. tell the bride you'll refund the entire amount, but that you'll need to send her a cashiers check from your nigerian account. the check will be for a few thousand more than her refund, could she please cash the check and send the remainder along to your brother who needs the money in order to claim his secret $15 million dollar inheritance (of which the bride can have 10%).


it's a win-win.

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