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Scratch Disks full! in PS CS Help!

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"Scratch Disks Full"


I have been working with large NEFs and TIFFs and now my scratch disk is full.

So I moved about 20 large photos (from the desktop) to a portable HD (Wolverine

60GB), but I still can't crop the one image I am working on and still get the

same error message.


Where exactly do I need to empty images and make space so I can keep working?



Should I save all my images onto the portable hard drive only in the future?

This is killing my workflow!



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Clear up your desktop for security first, in acse of major crash there is a good chance tat those file end up corrupt.



Yes you could and should define you external drive as a scratch disk, and you will then need to restart you photoshop for him to take the new setting.


Adding more RAM (if you can ) will be even recommend in a near future instead of using a scratch disk.


How big is you image by the way? and how many of them are open in the same time? did you have many other softwares open? how many RAM do you have total in you computer?

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I am using a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X v.10.4.8


Processor 1.83 ghz Intel Core Duo




Ellis, I am assuming so. I have PS installed on the Mac side of this laptop (Windows on the other side (Mac side 60GB/Windows side 20GB)



Giampi, Yes, I do while I am working on them. Bad idea? I backup to remote HD often.




How much RAM? I have 512 now..my old Mac G4 I made up to 2GB (I think...I maxxed it out)


File sizes are about 13MB.


What I do is open the NEF (from the Nikon D200 after transfer to the Wolverine 60GB HD) in Nikon Editor and convert to a TIFF. Then I work on them in PS before saving as jpg for the websites or leave as a TIFF for printing. Got any suggestions for reducing my consumption of RAM?


Thanks for all the help.

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I just tried to assign my Wolverine Flashpac 7000 60GB HD as a scratch disk, but it does not show up as an option. Is it possible that this Wolverine cannot be used as a scratch disk? The specs state that is can be used as a backup hard drive.


So, I set the first scratch disk to: STARTUP DISK

and the second scratch disk to: MACINTOSH HD


is that the right way to do it?

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According to the Adobe site and various other sources, one cannot use an external HD as a scracth disk, so it would seem that the only solution here is more RAM, wouldn't you think? I agree 512MB is way too little, so I will upgrade my RAM when money falls from the sky...thanks again.

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It is not very much, since OSX take probably more than half of it, Rosetta another big chunk to run your CS2...and the rest for CS2, no wonder why you have problem. I suggest you install at least another 1gig for around 100$ that will definatly help you.


That say, startup drive and Macintosh HD are the same, so right now you are telling CS2 to use you main drive as scratch disk...not good. And you are working with CS2 on this drive, bad again.


You should see the external drive in the list (with or without backup possibility have nothing to do with scratch disk) since i never had external drive for scratch disk maybe a USB drive could not be selected? someone other than me could give you that info.

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Jon, for one, I use external drives for scratch disks in CS2. I can hear it working as I click each process. 2ndly,I was under the impression that when you shut down CS2, the scratch disk is purged. It shouldn't fill up unless it does so during one big session with big files like you stated. Be that as it my, I would definitely say you are way under stocked with ram and that is more important than anything you can do w/your scratch disk placement. Just get at least another gig of ram, 2 gig is even better, but with an extra gig, a now relatively inexpensive upgrade, you will see a big performance boost, especially on the MBP which is a great system for a laptop.
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It sounds to me like your hard drive(s) is simply full. How much free space do you have remaining? It doesn't matter what you delete, whether they're images or video games, you just have to free up a few gigs of space on your drive(s). And as someone pointed out, once you shut down and restart Photoshop, all the files it was using on the scratch disk should be gone. The main thing is to free up some disk space (and get some more RAM).
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