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SQ-A shutter won't release at N position


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Hi all,


I am playing with an used sq-a I just bought. I have downloaded a manual, read

it, installed a fresh battery, removed the dark slide. I was just test running

to see how everything work, so NO film was installed in the film back. I have

turned off the multiple exposure function.


When I positioned the mirror-lock-up switch to N position (so NO mirror lock

up), I cranked the film (which was not there, but I could see the roller in the

film back turn), I can't seem to get the shutter to release when I pressed it.

So I removed the lens to see how the mechanic works inside. When I cranked

again, I didn't see the mirror being raised (I guess this is normal), but I

still can't release the shutter. So I have two questions:


1. At the N position, what is the sequence of events? Is the mirror raised at

about the same time the shutter is pressed? When is the shutter cocked?


2. I read somewhere in photo.net that for the N position to work, I would have

to install film into the film back? Is this true?? If it is, I think it would

answer my question about the shutter won't release..


Thanks a lot!

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I just read the manual again.. one of the condition that the shutter is not released is #7 below


1. Shutter release button is locked.

2. Dark slide is inserted.

3. Film winding crank has not been rotated fully. (Same when

exposure counter is still between "S" and "1".)

4. Shutter is not cocked.

5. Lens is not properly attached. (Same with extension tubes

and bellows.)

6. Lens release button is being depressed.

7. All frames (12 on 120 roll film and 24 on 220 roll film) have

been exposed already


I guess that also implied when there is no film in the film back, the shutter won't release

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I think its possible that you are getting a couple of things confused. The shutter should not fire with no film in the camera at any MLU setting -unless you have multiple exposure switched on in which case it should fire on all of them. Multiple exposure is the route for dry-firing the shutter you can do it with or without a lens and/or back fitted so you can see for yourself the pattern of what goes on.
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I did tried the multiple exposure mode first actually, then moved to the single exposure mode, and then got puzzled. :)


David, I tried MLU (S and C) setting, the shutter can fire.. I looked through the lens and did see the iris open wide first as I crank it, and then close as I press the shutter. I think that is what I saw.. but maybe I am wrong...


Max, thanks for your reply too!

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No, I don't think you are wrong. I've just tried dry-firing with no back and lens , with Multiple exposure off and with MLU switched to S or C. And it fires- well I can clearly see the linkage that operates the lens shutter moving and it sounds like a fire. Not every time but most times. And it doesn't fire in N .


I can't actually think of any advantage in being able to do that however. And it is Multiple exposure that is supposed to give you dry fire capability in any MLU setting. And mine does.

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David, thanks a lot for your help! It is so cool to know that I can ask questions here and get answered by knowledgable people like you... Now I have to go find a neckstrap for this.. I've seen Op/Tech SuperPro with connector A or B (forgot which one, searched eBay and google). I wrote to Op/Tech, they said it won't fit Bronica SQ-A... Any other strap I should consider? Or Maybe I should start a new thread? I searched Photo.net and seem to find no answer... :(
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