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Filters and lenshood for mamiya 6 with

jon benson

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whant filter will work best on my old mamiya 6 folder? It has the Olympus

Zuiko F.C. 7.5 cm 1;3.5 lens. I also would like to find a lenshood for it. Any

help on this one? I am not sure if a series VI is the correct thing to try or



Jon B.

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I dont know about the lens hood. Regarding the filter that will work best i am assuming that you are talking UV filters. I would suggest B+W. If you are after a polarizer then i beleive Mamiya make there own for the 6 and 7 which would probably be recommended. Hope that helps
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I use a variety of filters on a Mamiya 7 which is similar. Heliopan do very good round filters as do B+W. I also use Lee filters and they can supply rangefinder blades to help positioning of graduates. Mamiya probably get one of filter companies to make the filters for them ar get Hoya to supply.

Given the exceptional quality of Mamiya rangefinders lens I would go for Heliopan or B+W as they use very high quality Schott glass.

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