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Fuji S5... dilemma...


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<p>Well, like some of you, I was excited about S5's launch. That is until I

read this review:</p>


<p><a href="http://www.digitalcamerainfo.com/content/Fujifilm-FinePix-S5-Pro-





<p>S5 is still slow...

<br>d*rn it...!!</p>


<p>But Fuji's official site claimed that it can go up to 3 frames/sec

(depending on your setting, such as the Dynamic Range):<br>






<p>In addition, the menu is not intuitive, too deep, and may frustrate



<p>Not to mention the whopping RAW file size. 512MB CF card can only hold 17

files! So I assume only 34 files on 1GB card.</p>


<p>However, considering that S5 delivers less noise at high ISO and image

quality that may be better dan 5D (not to mention cheaper than 5D, well...

there's the dilemma...)</p>


<p>Buy it?.. Not buy it?.. Buy it?... Not buy it?...</p>


<p>Well, I guess I'll just have to yet read other reviews before I really

decide whether I want to buy it or not. I might end up just buying D200, or

even 5D (sorry guys...)</p>


<p>Anyone here own it yet? I especially need to know if it's faster than S3

or not.</p>



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hi Leo ...


waiting for mine to get in. obviously, choosing this camera will depend on the type of photography you're interested in.


i've actually read where folks have taken back their D200 in exchange for the S5 and never regretted the choice.


not long ago, i called B&H and Adorama in search of an S5 body and they said whatever they got in, sold immediately.


i suggest you read in this forum for some real-time feedback from owners:




and you know how we're always saying a "picture is worth a thousand words"? check this out:




regards, michael

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sorry ... forgot to mention ... go the the "British Journal of Photography" website for a review of the S5 ... you'll can sign up for a 14 day trial to read the article.


cheers! michael

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I'm not sure about those test photographs. The D200 image looks completely under exposed compared to the S5's sample. At first I thought the S5 was 12 megs, but further reading suggests that it actually performs like a 6 meg body with two sets of sensors ( each with 6 megs ) responsible for different tonal ranges and stacked on each other. I like the idea. I'll have to see more before I decide. The D200, IMO, will take alot to beat.
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hi Michael...


i will be using the camera for portraits and wedding. Well isn't that what most Fuji owners use for? for natural skin color rendering.


yes i do notice that on b&h. i check almost everyday on jan and feb. the annoucement says: will approximately arive in Feb. Then I checked on mar 1st or 2nd. b&h says: out of stock. wow! this reminds me of D200 when it was first launched.



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thanks Roy !


i've not dealt with Berger Bros, but just hung up with them - really nice group of folks. they had two S5's in stock - one with the Huey (Adorama has an S5/Huey bundle in stock) bundled and one without. needless to say, they dont have the body-only in stock anymore :) so my S5 Pro will ship today!


thanks again for the lead! michael

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I already have a D200 but needed another body so I gave serious consideration to the S5. I really like the idea of increased dynamic range and less noise at high ISOs. I ended up just ordering a D200 from B&H for the following reasons. The S5 raw files cannot be opened in Capture (I don't need another raw conversion program), the battery is not compatible with the D200 battery (I don't need another battery charger and extra batteries), the S5 may have the jaggies due to 6 megapixels (this I could live with, sort of).


Also, I can fix the noise with Kodak digital Gem and I have a chance of extending the dynamic range in Photoshop with a little work.


In short, since I already have a D200 and needed another body, I'll stick with another D200. If the S5 had NEF raw, a compatible battery, and higher resolution, I would be on the waiting list for a S5.

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hi Michael ...


very good points you have, all of them. i am also a D200 user (and D70s and D80), but with everything i've seen and read, and my experience with the S3, i could not pass up getting an S5 ... if for nothing else, i'll use it for its intended purpose.


did you see the link i provided that compares an image from a D200 and S5? many of the other benefits of the S5 over the D200 are worth it.


the less time i spend post-processing is a blessing.


regards, michael

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mj t The link makes an excellent point in favor of the S5. My main goal of another D200 body is that I really hesitate in changing lenses in the field. This is actually my 3rd body and I can now go into the field with a 12-24, 105 VR, and 200-400 and never worry about changing lenses in windy, dusty, or wet conditions. At this point I will probably regret not getting the S5 but the S6 is probably well into development.
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