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Amount of Sheet Film for One Day Field Trips?


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I carry with me 6 8X10 film holders on a planned outting. I will

expose both sheets of film in one holder on the same image. This

means I will shoot 6 different images. All the locating ,

transporting equipment , setting up and concentration to produce one

good image, will take a lot of time. Most of the time I come back

with 2 unexposed film holders.

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i do documentary work in remote locations fairly regularly, and i

generally carry enough sheet film for about 100-150 shots. since

there is no way i can carry 50-75 film holders, i use the kodak

readyload system - i carry one film holder and 5 boxes of readyload

packets. i would be very hard-pressed to do my work without this

efficient, light-weight system. the system does take a bit of

getting used to, and a bit of experience to learn to handle the

packets correctly - if you are not careful, you can easily not close

the darkslide cover on the packet all the way and fog the edges of

the negative, or if you do not seat the packet securely in the

holder, you can pull the negative out along with the darkslide

without noticing it and not get a shot. however, after understanding

how the system operates and how to deal with these issues, i have

found the readyload system to be indispensible. good luck.

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Forgot to mention....I do not reload holders in the field. I carry

all the equipment in either a "Lowes" ZAG large plasic toolbox with

wheels and carrying handle, or, a large soft shoulder strapped

luggage bag. Most of my shooting is in the Floida swamps. Hoped I

helped some.

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The nature of my work is closer to jnorman's than to others who have responded. I use the Fuji Quickload system 9film packets and holders and carry up to

40 sheets (2 boxes) . I have used all of that but sometimes I don't use any. If I am on a commercial or stock assignment I'll carry more plus polaroid.<P>With

Quickload and Readyload you don't have to bother with reloading or carrying a lot of dead weight and I don't have to spend time doing the cleaning rituals

and I never have had a problem with dust or hairs on the film. The empty sleeves are returned to me by the lab and go into the recycling bin. The price I pay

for this ease of use is up front: Quickloads cost about 2.5-3x of what regular film does.

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Trevor, I take 10 holders in a nylon stuff sack with drawstring

closure (originally an "accessory" with a lightweight "stuffable"

walking jacket). I also pack a large changing bag with box of film

that I leave in the car, just in case! To date I rarely need to

reload even if out all day. Regards Paul

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I own 11 film holders but usually take no more than 8 of them with me.

I can thus shoot 16 images and I usually bring two different film

types with me, one slower, one faster. I rarely shoot all 16 images

though. I'm too slow, indecisive, and klutzy I think to consider

bring more film than that to any shoot.





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Trevor: I carry 12 holders and usually shoot both sides on one scene.

That gives me 12 shots, which is a lot if you take the time to set up

the shot properly. I also will take a 220 Calumet back and a couple

of rolls of film just in case. I carry my holders in a small zipup

camera and video camera case I found at Walmart for $20. It just fits

the holders stacked vertically and has a pocket for filters, etc. The

shoulder strap makes it easy to carry. It is a black nylon bag and

works better than anything I have ever tried. I have also carried

holders in the nylon lunch bags in the school section of Walmart.

They close with hook and loop.




Note to Bill: The same guy determined that sheet film will have 25

sheets and wieners come in packages of 10 and buns in packages of

eight. Don't you hate to have one sheet of film left in a box! Not

only is it a pain in the behind to store, it probably won't match the

emulusion of the next box you open.

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Depending on the type of outing I've planned, I usually load all twenty

of my holders with mostly Black and White and maybe two or three with

Ektachrome. I typically pack about 6 holders of B&W and 1 or 2 of

color in my backpack and head down the trail. I've got more than

enough to keep me busy until I start to get hungry and head back for my

car at which time I offload the exposed holders and take on some fresh

ones. Seldom do I run out during the day. When I get back to my motel

room, I wait for dark, tape visquene over the bathroom window if there

is one and unload the day's work and reload. This system seems to work

well for me. The only other thing I might recommend is packing each

holder in a ziplock bag and putting some kind of label on each bag so

you can record the exposure info on it. My holders are numbered so I

reference the notes to those numbers.

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I own 5 4x5 D/Ds, so take 10 sheets of film on a day trip. All

APX100. Each D/D goes into its own ziploc plastic bag, and then all

5 go into another bigger ziploc bag in my backpack.




Some days I shoot all 10 sheets (rare). Other days I shoot none.

Cest la vie!




Good luck.

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Depending on what I shoot on it varies from up to 24 images (B+W or

col neg) or 12 for slides, as I take two pictures of the same image

(or perhaps more if I feel it is worth submtting to a library),

however, I have of late, considered buying a couple of boxes of

polariod type 51, and shooting for the negative.

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I've got a similar question/dilemma coming up. doing a 50+ mile hike

over a week at Evolution basin and I'm trying to decide how to split

my Velvia/Tmax budget. <p>Along with my Tech. expedition and (ugh)

Bogen 3021, I've budgeted 5 pounds for photo stuff. That's gonna be

hard to do.

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I have 40 double holders. On a trip to ghost towns or the like, I load

5 with Techpan, 5 with IR, ten with TMax 100, ten with TMax 400 and

ten with Tri-X. Depending on the weather, light potential, subject

matter and such I may take more Tri-X or TMax 400. If I am going to a

place where the subject matter is very detail oriented such as the

Bristle Cone pines in the White Mountains I use more techpan. If I am

headed to an area that is rich in IR with contrasting components I

will take alot more IR. I always have 20 Velvia Quickloads and 20 TMax

Readyloads in the pack. I usually shoot all my film. I tend to shoot

more than the average person so your requirements may vary. The

farther from home I stray the more film I tend to shoot. Film is

cheap, time is not. At the end of the month I'm going to NoCal and

Oregon to shoot volcanoes and beaches. So I'll take extra film. I have

always found a motel or other place to load up film. Motels are very

accomodating when you explain what it is you are doing and that you

only need to borrow a dark bathroom for a few minutes. I always send

them a nice 11x14 signed when I get back. I also try and stay there if

I need a place to stay on another journey throught the area always

relating the story to them. It makes it easier for the next guy coming

through. James

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