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Epson 2200 Printer prints too dark with Dell! Help!

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I have an Epson 2200 printer that prints fine with my I Mac computer. I just

bought a new Dell notebook, and when I print from my Dell, the photos come out

way too dark, almost as if it printed the photo twice on top of eachother.

When I switch back to my Mac, no problem. I have contacted Dell support,

Epson, my Graphics design guy, and no one can figure it out. I have a desktop

from Dell that does the same thing. Any ideas? I need help! Thanks to all

of those taking the time to respond!

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You've got color management problems. One likely cause of "doubly dark" prints is having both your printer driver and photoshop (or other application) apply the same paper ICC profile. Make sure you disable color management in your printer driver and enable it with the correct printer profile in your application. Also try softproofing if possible so you can get a good idea of how an image will print.
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I have/had the same problem. I found the answer in a thread buried deep here in photo.net. While I don't know what the cause is, this is a fix that seems to work:


When printing, click on your usual settings in the dialog boxes. In addition, in the 2200 Properties dialog box, on the Main tab (versus Layout or Maintenance Tabs), click on Ink Configuration (Lower left). Adjust the Color Density to get something that you like. It's currently set at 0. I seem to recall from that thread that others found -12 to -14% worked. For me and my printer, -14 is good.



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Dell monitors are not color accurate. Sorry. That may be an issue with your screen-to-print match. Also set your gamma to 2.2, not 1.8.

There must be something wrong with your workflow settings (different color space, embedded profiles?). Check the settings again.

Take a look at some articles on www.shootsmarter.com

Those guys helped me to resolve lots of problems workflow related.

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"Dell monitors are not color accurate"


Leaving aside for the moment that this poster has a notebook and not a monitor I have a comment here. Let me start by saying that I understand that Dell monitors are not going to be as precise, or to display as wide a gamut as monitors costing much more. I'm aware also that a Dell LCD will probably not allow you to adjust contrast as part of a calibration process and that certainly with my Monaco XR the process for establishing brightness is less than fully scientific.


But, with my Monaco XR kit I got a Colour Management check-up kit bundled , and this allows me to see how my calibrated on -screen images look against Kodak test prints. And frankly they look pretty decent to me in daylight. Might just be lucky of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just googled to this thread, and bingo, exactly the right answer. I have a 2100 (Euro label on 2200) and have found -20% has solved this painful problem with my printer.

Re: the comment about poor screens as a possible answer to this problem, I think it unlikely. A poor screen, which is set up ok to show appls like Word and Excel, have the brightness and contrast set in the right ballpark. The colour may be well off, but the density and gamma of the image will be sort-of right-ish... I use two screens, one for the image I am working on, and the other for driving the interface (this is PS-CS2 I am talking about). One is highly corrected, and the other is out of the box. The images are totally different in color rendering, but the light and shade are not that far off.

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