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Pssst - Dixon wins photo essay contest <b>THREAD CLOSED</b>

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OK, it's not the Pulitzer or anything particularly prestigious, but Mike Dixon's <a href="http://www.biphoto.com/bwforum/messages/8511.html">series of images of Renee</a> took top honors (such as they are, plus 6 months of free hosting at photogserver.net) at the <a href="http://www.biphoto.com/bwforum/">Black & White Forum</a>.




I apologize for pointing to another forum, particularly one where Leica users are a minority, but I thought some here might like to view the images there.

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To Phil the Incorrect. Websters defines (in part) photo essay as:A

series of photographs that conveys a story, usually accompanied by a


don't have the Phil's dictionary of 'know-lt-allness'.

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Well, I sort of agree with Phil. I think they're all quite nice

pictures individually (not in the sublime genius league, though), but

there isn't much variety of situations or setups. I wouldn't have

called it a photoessay, myself, more a portfolio of images of Mike's

friend Renée. I would personally either have gone for just the

sequence on the windowsill alone, maybe with a single headshot or

bracketed with a couple of headshots, or cut that to one image, it

sort of overbalanced the whole thing. It would probably have worked

best with just three pictures. But Mike didn't post it for comment

here, so I'm likely just getting myself into trouble.




Photoessay, whatever the dictionary definition, does imply the

development of a theme or subject, which I think was lacking in this

set of pictures.

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It's just so good to know some on this forum have such narrow

definitions of what is and what isn't. I'm sure if Phil and such

ran the world it would be a much more ordered and homogenous world,

though dying of boredom would probably be a common cause of death.

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Just to put things into perspective: The "photoessay" was something I

put together one night after a few beers in order to have a bit of

fun. I didn't even realize there was a prize involved. Feel free to

debate the true meaning of photoessay--I wasn't sure if the series

actually fit the term, but I'm usually happy to subvert things to my





Oh, and Phil, it's <i>not</i> bad poetry--it's overwrought prose.




And thanks for the controversy! ; )

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Hi, Mike (if you are still around here . . .):




Good job, for sure. I understand that opinions that really matter

already said what really count: you won it, right ?




Congratulations, either in prose or verse! !





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"If he's that good how come no one outside of this site has heard of

him" - odd statement Phil. When Mike's name is run on a major

search engine it comes up immediately (so someone like has heard of

him). Other than the TT racer however no one seems to have heard of

you. I think Mike has far more credibility than yourself. IMHO of


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I thought April was the official "Be Mean to Idiots Month." Maybe not

. . .




A few additional thoughts on photo essays: No, I don't consider my

little "story" to be a photo essay in the same sense as Rob's recent

India series was a photo essay. But in terms of a modest internet

contest that was willing to accept it, it's close enough.




I like filet mignon and a good single malt. But a cheeseburger and

chocolate shake can also hit the spot.




Finally, is there anyone among forum contributors who has a good use

for six free months of webhosting? (See the website Ralph lists for

details about the features/terms--I think it's near the top of the

forum linked to the photogserver.net banner.) I'm satisfied with my

current server, and I'm too lazy to be switching things around. If

there's someone around here who can put it to productive use, I'll be

happy to hand over my prize. (I know that the other entrants in the

contest already have sites/servers, or I'd offer it to one of them.)

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Almost forgot a final comment to today's resident idiot:




Phil, insult me all you want (though I wish you would be at least

mildly creative). But it shows a complete lack of class to insult

Renee. What a douchebag you are . . .<p>

<i>[The insult got deleted. I just couldn't let it stay. -T]</i>

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