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Please Help Me Find the Software

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Hello friends:


A few months ago I came across a software after reading about it on some photo

website but I have forgotten the name of the software. It creates very nicely

exposed indoor and outdoor scenes in the same photograph. An example would be

nicely exposed church interior and equally well exposed outside scene as seen

through the church windows (not white washed outside scene).


Now, before anybody says, "You can do it in Photoshop, use layers etc.." let

me inform you that I know the technique. I am just looking for the name of the

software that I have forgotten. The church picture described above was on this

software's web page too.


Any help, as usual, is highly appreciated.



Thank you


- GR

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Hi GR,


I also do the same thing even in Photoshop Elements, by shooting two tripod-mounted shots (exposed for the interior and exterior lighting and white balance), and then merging them using layers. Do all of my real-estate photography this way (especially when shooting interiors on very sunny days)





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