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EOS Body Cap


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I am looking for some EOS body caps. These will be used to make some adapters to

use my college's EOS cameras on my FL bellows.


The purpose of all this is to allow me to begin some photomicroscopy and

macrophotography adventures.


Thanks to anyone who can help!



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The other, more expensive but more secure option is to buy the FD-to-EOS adapters on eBay as cheaply as possible and screw out the POS 2X optics in the middle. Then you have a solid 8mm extension tube that connects your EOS camera to your FL bellows -- that's exactly how I marry my 350D and FL bellows.


On the other end, you have various options depending on what lenses you use and how you attach them. For reversed lenses, like enlarging lenses, you can also get on eBay (and maybe elsewhere) reverse mount FD adapters, which is also what I do.


Searching "FD EOS adapter" gets this page:







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If you haven't already you should check you local brick and morter store. I just bought a body cap for a home made macro lens and it worked great. I figured after shipping and handling the price between online and local camera store would be the same and I could have it now and not in three days. Good luck and have fun with you project! Trevy
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