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1d Mark II file numbering


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I believe the answer to the last question is "no".


<p>But then, even if it is yes, the best way to answer this question is to un-ask it: <i>just stop caring what the file names are</i>. Pretend they are random numbers. And thereafter design a "workflow" that depends more on the contents of the file than its camera-assigned name.

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I agree with Walang : a combination of session, datetime and serial

number is a much better unique identifier for a file.<br>


A while ago I posted about <a



title="Permanent Link: Naming photo files properly">naming

photo files properly</a> :

<p>Canon Eos digital cameras name their files

“img_XXXX.jpg” where

‘XXXX’ is a number beween 0001 and 9999.

Considering how many pictures

we take, duplicate names come fast. In addition, that name is

desperately lacking any meta-information that may help in making the

file manageable.</p>

So as part of my workflow I have defined a photo file naming scheme

that includes the date, the time and the session that picture belongs

to. What I define as a session is a group of pictures with a unity of

time, place and/or action. I believe I have found a good choice of

minimal meta-information to pack in the file name to make it both

unique and useful to humans.

<p>The datetime of acquisition is found in an <a


tag embedded in the file. I deduce the session from the parent

directory name because putting all pictures belonging to a single

session into an approprietely named directory is what immediately

follows my automated download and lossless rotation routine.</p>

<p>Because I am a very lazy person I have of course automated all

that. So <a


is dir_date_serial_rename_all.sh - a small shell scripts that automates

my habit of picture files renaming</a>. </p>

<p>This script takes all files in the current directory and

renames them using the following pattern :<br>


<p>For example :<br>

<code>"my current directory/img_6051.jpg" taken the 2nd of

December 2005 at 9:07:59 AM (according to the embedded EXIF metadata)</code><br>


<code>my current


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You can rename the files, post-camera, and there are programs to automate the renaming, following a pattern of your choosing. My pref is ACDSee, mainly an image viewer program, with a batch rename function. Irfanview will also do this, I believe. Plus there are a number of dedicated batch rename programs. Even Windows Explorer has some limitted batch rename capability, but I believe it's very rudimentary.
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<p>There's no direct way to do this. But if the 1D II is like most (all?) of the lower EOS DSLRs, there's a way to do it. The camera remembers what the most recent file number was. When you insert a card that has pictures on it from that type of camera, it looks at the highest-numbered file number on the card. The next picture you take will be one higher than whichever of those two numbers (the camera's one, or the card's one) was higher.</p>


<p>So take a file that was shot with the camera. Rename the file to one less than the next file number you want the camera to use, changing the directory name as well if necessary. (If the camera's next file number is higher, you'll have to reset it at this point; if the camera's next file number is lower, you don't have to.) Put the card back in the camera.</p>

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You can create multiple folders in which to keep the photos. It is on page 61 of the manual. you set them up on your PC or Mac on the cards before the shoot. Then you choose the folders you want the photos to go into as you shoot. So create a file 202day_A, and then you can do the next day as 203day_B. Or 301das_h, 302lon_g. You can't change the unique id in the file name, but the photo number goes in sequence after the last photo number (if you have continuous reset) and then you do what Steve said. I realize that you asked about starting with a specific number and not about the folders, but unique folders set up before hand might to easier to work with as the file names and numbers are pre-ordained.
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