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ladies footwear recommendation

lisa h

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Hi- There was a post or two a while ago that had some good recommendations of

specific kinds of ladies shoes to comfortably wear while photographing weddings.

I found one old post on this but not one that I had in mind.


Do any of you gals have some good recommendations to share on something that looks

nice but won't leave the soles of your feet burning by the end of the day?


Thanks, Lisa

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My Female assistants wear black flat leather shoes, with good grip soles (and black pants mostly ie not usually skirts or dresses).



I envisage them as like the shoes Ms stock describes; from a professional point of view, with the pants falling over the top; they are quite acceptable `fashion` for formal events, and very practical for grip and safety, and for an evening Wedding, (ie when it is formal) not very many people are prone to stare in the darkenss at the photographer`s feet.


Hope that helps



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Dankos! Danskos! Danskos! They were originally those ugly white nurse clogs but they've gotten really cute! I was an aerobics instructor for many years and ruined my feet. These are the only shoes I wear for long hours standing up and walking (waitressing & bartending included!)


They even have way cute sandals and mary janes! They start at about $120 but last forever and are worth their weight in gold (in my opinion :)

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Mostly I get black leather flat, ballet-style shoes by Rockport. They will go with anything, except maybe the ultra formal weddings, but I think people will give you some leeway for being the official photographer. It depends on you and your feet to some extent. Some people can't stand for long hours, other have bad arches, skin that won't tolerate vinyl, etc.
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Thanks everyone for your suggestions, time for me to do some shopping!


Some shoes claim to be comfortable but until they have them tested by a wedding photographer who has been shooting for ten hours straight... the claims don't mean much!


Thanks to the men also for chipping in!


If anyone else has any specific suggestions, please continue to share.




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Aerosoles...a flat maryjane style shoe, similar to this one,




Very comfortable...I have other more stylish flats for shorter weddings, but for a 7-8+ hour day, these can't compare. Just dress them up with stylish wide leg pant...your toes barely peak through. Quality shoe too...have held up very well.

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I have discovered that, since I was not in the spolight of the event, but a service provider/vendor, NO ONE looked at my shoes. Wear black slacks and black athletic shoes with lots of support.


I have known ministers who have diabetes to wear white socks and black work shoes under their robes for weddings.....


Good support, Good comfort are essential. If your feet hurt you can not concentrate on photography. You can only concentrate on "when is this day going to be over with."

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I have to go shopping tomorrow for shoes. My problem is that I wear a 2 1/2 in kids size. That is about a 4 - 4 1/2 in womens size. I am having a hard time finding something that is comfortable, dressy, and does not look like I am 10 years old. I have a wedding this weekend so I have to find something. The shoes that I wore for this last weekends wedding hurt my feet.


The closest womens shoe store that may have my size is Nordstroms. They might be a little expensive, but if they are comfortable that is all I care about at this time.


I had bought a pair of Mary Janes, but with my shoe size they do look like a 10 year olds shoe. As a matter of fact I gave them to my 9 year old niece. She loved them!


Wish me luck shopping tomorrow!!!



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