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how do i rewind the film in a n80?


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it rewinds automagically at the end of the roll. If you want it to rewind before that, you have to press the two buttons that have little red rewind symbols above them. I dont have my F80 in front of me, but one is on the top of the camera by the LCD, one is on the back of the camera by the dial for changing the modes.
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If you've reached the end of a roll and the film does not automatically rewind, you probably have the custom function for that feature turned off. It would be the first Custom Setting, set to 0 (zero) for activated (which is how the camera should ship)


Otherwise, if you're trying to rewind mid-roll, follow the instructions on this page:



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Wyman Ladd is correct about the way to rewind a roll midway. The two buttons are the flash release on the back left and the LED illumination light button on the top right. The problem is that if you want to change the roll midway, to use a different type of film, and then want to put the partial roll back in. You need to keep the film leader out. and the F80/N80 will wind the leader all the way in. The secret is to watch the film counter and just as it hits 2 or 1 pull out the battery. Just shutting off the camera will not do it.
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I don't know whether you took the film out, but if all these standart actions did'n help, the oldest tric is to go into a closet or bathroom, close the door and open the body in the darkness, carefully take out the film and rewind it by hand, still in the darkness
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