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Hi ladies and gents I was at the thrift store and got a Yashica GSN seems real

clean battery chamber looks good the battery looks new but when I turn it on I

can't see the arrows in the viewfinder I don't have manual for it so Iwent and

got another battery tried it on my Yashica MG1 it works on that camera but not

in the GSN am Idoing something wrong The price was only 10 bucks did I get

takenI'm dying to use this But then I heard about the pad of death not

sure please help P.S Great Site

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I've had my share of those old GSN's, nice lenses.... as for the arrows, if you put the battery in properly you should be able to check to see if it is inserted properly by pushing the battery check button on the back, the film counter window should light up. I've had a few of my Yashica's with a metal bar/bracket inside the viewing area that sometimes gets out of place inside and "blocks" the arrows, sometimes I turn the camera over, and it sets it back in place. Just an observation in the event you see the battery light, but can't see the arrows... Have fun with it!!

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I seem to recall the shutter release makes two contacts on its longish downward stroke to trip the shutter. One activates the "over" arrow, the other the under arrow. Simplistic, but that's pretty much it. I had some success reviving an old GSN by spraying electronic circuit cleaner down the cavity below the shutter release button. Both top and bottom plates should be removed when you do this, and put down some paper towel or newspaper. This also assumes you are getting power from your battery.
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