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Getting the green out!

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I've been scanning (Epson 4990) split-toned B&W prints into my hard disc files

and uploading onto web pages I'm building w/Yahoo Sitebuilder. I'm not

interested in printing from these files, only in how the images look on a web

page. Of course the goal is to very closly duplicate the print tones, etc. A

few of images scanned have taken on a greenish cast from the original split-

toned sepia prints. Been reading a little about jpeg and tiff file formats. My

scans and "saves" and "save as" have all been in jpeg. I'm having trouble

getting the green out of these scans and back to the original "look". I'm new

to computer manipulations so if anyone can offer a simple procedural. I have

PS Elements 5. Thanks very much, Russ

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Is your monitor calibrated? You can always color balance.


Place eyedropper in a dark area /shift/ place eyedropper in white area/ shift/ pull down levels/ on your info palate read rgb numbers/ bring the red green or blue to its counterparts lowest 0-15/ bring your red gree blue to its counterpart highest 240-255/ this will color balance you by the number.


email me if you need more help.


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If the color is truly green then add the compliment of green which is magenta. Add in small steps untill it looks right. The cast may be a mixture of green and blue or green and red so you might have to add slight amounts of yellow to counter act blue or cyan to counter act red.
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Thanks Gary & Mike for your responses. I'd like to expand on my original question. When I first uploaded my scanned images (from prints)onto the web builder pages, they looked very close like the prints i.e. pinky grey tannish tones from limited time immersion in the sepia bleach solution. Other prints a more full sepia tone. Over time as I opened/closed these pages, resized the photos, adding text but not messing w/the tones, I began to realize that the subtle tones of grey,pink and tan had become more greenish. Is this happening because the photos I'm closing/opening,resizing are in jpg formats and not tiff? I've read that each time a jpg file/photo is opened and edited and then "saved" or "saved as", something is lost in the compression process in the way of quality. Jpg is refered to as "lossy" in this regard and Tiff compression as "lossless". Since I've been using the "save" and "save as" prompts with my jpg images, would this "lossy" action have an effect on the tones going from "pinky,grey and tan" to green? Does anybody know about this stuff? By the way - the tone loss doesn't "seem" to be as pronounced when the images are viewed in Photoshop,Lightroom,Windows Picture and Fax Viewer,Corel Photo Album 6. Only in the Yahoo Sitebuilder pages. These pages are not on the web yet - maybe they'll look "better" or different when they are???? Thanks to Gary & Mike I have no problem "getting the green out" or I can re-scan. I'm just wondering why it's gradually creeping back in. Thanks, Russ
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