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I have just freshly graduated with a BA in Arts Administration. I have never even taken a basic photography

class (besides a course similar to the history/ philosophy of photography), however, I have had a very

strong interest in this art form for a very long time. I believe it is time for me to quit suppressing the urges

and finally delve in the art that is photography. After a mild research, I believe that a certificate in

photography would perhaps be most appropriate for my situation.

Now, I seek to find a reputable institute to gain this achievement. I ask all of you at photo.net to assist me

to the right direction. I do wonder if a certificate in this field is enough to advance in the future. Which

institutions are the best to gain knowledge of the vast sub categories in photography? Which of the many

institution are the costs actually equivalent to the education you obtain (I will have to get loans). Feel free

to leave any other information that you believe will benefit me. In advance, I thank you for your help.

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Hey Ellim <br>

Yes, Hallmark Institute of Photography is a great place! It's a wonderful 10 month program that I think is better than the 4 year schools. I would recommend that you go check out the forum about it <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00A6qQ">here</a> . It has tons of information about the program and myself and other alumni and students have been talking on there for over two years. Check it out.<br>

- Jules

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Check your local JCs. Many will have very good Photography courses. It may sound too simple compared to Hallmark. But, all you need is a good instructor and experience out shooting in the real world. I'm looking to start Arizona State University in the fall to obtain my BFA in photography, then get my teaching credentials, And I wouldn't trade the JC Photo 1 and 2 classes that I've already taken for anything! I had an awesome instructor who was very encouraging and enthusiastic!
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