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Leather Craftsmen 3500 Questions


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Greetings, I am new to the album portion of weding photography and am looking at offering the

Leather Craftsmen 3500 series albums. I will design the pages and have them printed then send them

the finished photos for binding.


Firstly, without seeing a sample it's hard to judge, but can anyone vouch for the qaulity of this album?


Second, it says they allow a 50% allowance on sample albums. I take it these are with my own images,

but does anyone know if they stamp "SAMPLE" on it. Or would a client know it was a sample?


When submitting photos it seems you would send them (assuming doing an 8X12 horizontal

album) 8X24 prints correct? Then they trim a little off the outer edges only and 1 cut it in the middle

with no trim out? And if sending 8X24's does anyone know if the people doing the printing (I don't

know who it will be yet, just a generalization) will charge more because it's an "off" size?


Can you have images on the inside front cover and the inside back cover?


This is one of my main questions: What is the difference between Split Edition and Folded Edition? The

folded edition per print price is twice as much. Anyone know why?


Thank you so much in advance for your help





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Hi Todd- No- they don't stamp sample on the album.


There is a black page on the front and then the first page- which starts with 1/2 layout. The difference in between split and folded is that if you send your pages in 16x10 format or 8x10 format (for an 8x10 album for example). It works out the same price wise because you either have one big print mounted or 2 small ones per 2 page spread.


Yes- they trim about 1/4 inch off 3 sides. I've never done an 8x12 so I can't say if that would cost extra. But I can say that the albums are very nice :)

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Stacey, thank you for the quick response.


It sounds like you send them 1/2 page layouts (1 page at a time) instead of the one piece

(2 pages) format. I'm just curious as to why. Wouldn't sending them the panorama (2 page

spread) ensure that the 2 page spreads butt up perfectly? Do you ever have problems

where when the two separate pages get butted together, they don't line up perfectly?

Unless you design your albums without any cross overs, then I guess it's a moot issue no?


Also, with the folded edition, don't they physically fold the panorama in half (no cut)? It

said something about some discoloration where it is creased. It also said you can send

them a panorama, and have them split it into two then butt them together, leaving a small

black line where the photos meet. They don't seem to show a sample of the folded edition

on the web site. hmmm, I wonder how it looks.


Also, what does the inside back cover look like? Same as the inside front?


I'm also assuming the back cover is blank too?


Thanks again Stacey, take care



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Hi Todd! I've used the split or folder additions- the folded are yes- folded right down the middle with no cut, but it dosen't look funny though. I've never seen the photos look discolored either, but whos to say what a few years will bring? Hopefully they tested that- I'm sure they did.


I can't remember if there is a black page in the back. I'm going to the studio theis morning so I'll take a look and let you know. Oh- and thanks for the compliment! I do use quite a bit of available light :)

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Stacey, thanks for checking.


I'm just curious why you would choose the folder over the split and vica versa?


Have you ever done the split format and not have crossovers line up?


Sorry to bug you with all these questions, but when they spray your photos, do they look

any different when they come back?


Lastly (I hope, lol) what do they mount the photos to? Is it some kind of board, and if so

about how thick is it? They don't mount them directly to the back of the next page's print

do they (i.e. the pages are the thickness of 2 prints put together?)


I wish the web site had more information on these finer details. I read through the price

list brochure but couldn't find what I wanted to know exactly. Maybe I should try to find

somone who already has one I can look at locally?


Thanks again,



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Hi Todd,


Let's see- really the only reason I get folded is because it's easier to number- that's the only reason. I have my prints textured and sprayed by them and it's just a light pebble surface.


If you call the NY office they will be very happy to talk your ear off for about 1/2 hour and answer every question :) They are really talkative!

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