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Pinhole body cap


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In fact, as I think of it now, reading somewhere some time ago I recall (perhaps) someone stating results were nothing extraordinary.


Merely blurred images. Effects were not as artistic as hoped...etc.

The camera being so refined (film plane, etc.) that it really was nothing special.


Again, I can recall only a hint of this attitude.


To refine my query, what type of results have been achieved by those using pinhole on the M?


Thanks again for your time.

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I've had some splendid results. Just a body cap with a hole in the middle, and a pinhole drilled in thick tinfoil with a needle and sanded with finefinefine sandpaper.








I'm not sure if those links work. Sure, it's not as good as a bigger pinhole-camera, but still interesting. Works for something.


Oh, and the aperture is about f/158, and on a bright day, with 400ASA film, the meter works! Now that's what I call a camera!

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I was generally disappointed with pin hole pictures from pin hole body caps on 35mm film: the image is too small and too blurry. A pinhole body cap will set you back about 50$ and a genuine 6 by 6 pinhole camera will set you back twice that amount, but give you much more detailed enlargements. Google for pinhole camera and buy one from China in wood to be really happy.
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I think it all depends on what you want to do with your photography. If you don't like a soft image then pinhole is not for you. Avoid it like the plague, but if you like soft, moody photography, then embrace it.


You can do pinhole with almost anything, including real cameras. (^U^)


I play with this a lot, and I'm interested in the Leica M applications.


You can buy a pinhole or make one. Making a good pinhole is actually an easy thing to do, but requires some guidance to make a good one. It is not just poking a hole in alumminum foil. Doing that will kill your interest very fast. There are many good sites about pinhole making and I have a way to do it easily with thin brass, a sewing needle, and steel wool.


Our moderator, Tony Rowlett, was the first to teach me to make these about eight years ago.


The photo below is not Leica, but is a pinhole I made and used on a digital camera.<div>00JkEs-34698784.jpg.fdd090d0914324cfaf8b36687e02de12.jpg</div>

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Well, perhaps LeicaGoodies may be my best solution when they get going again. I recall reading a 21mm (equivalent) available.


Basically what I was trying to do is replace the need of carrying a tin canister or shoebox with a simple lenscap in my bag..


I will need to experiment. Interested in distorted, wide angle, holga-like artistic effects.


Multiple holes could prove interesting as well..


Again, I truly appreciate the time taken to reply.


Best regards

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Found exactly what I am looking for.


Take a look at these:





Fine quality/craftsmanship, small enough to fit into the Hadley with a small telescopic tripod with the rest of my gear...(which I pride myself in limiting...<grin>)





(Also have a section within "flickr")

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