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Are they really just doorstops?


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I'm finally dealing with the last of my late husband's process camera equipment,

but I'm stumped as to what to do with them. One company (in NYC)responded to my

query about used equipment by referring to them as doorstops. Is that true? Are

there no uses anymore for the following (all in pristine condition except one):

1. Rodenstock APO Ronar CL 1:11 F-600 24 inch

2. Rodenstock Rodagon G 1:8.4 F-480mm

3. Nikon APO Nikkor 1:11 F-890mm

4. Nikon APO Nikkor 1:9 F-480mm

5. Goerz APO Chromat Artar F-12.5 30 inch

6. Goerz APO Chromat Artar F-12.5 35 inch


There's other stuff, like this sextant-looking thing that he used to focus/level

the lens heads, and an SPI 1836 portable microscope, etc., but the lenses are

what I really want to know about. I've seen two similar items on ebay, but

neither sold. I understand that the technology has changed, but I'd really

appreciate some advice whether to try to sell them (I really need the money) or

just not waste my time with them and move on to more productive endeavors.

Thanks y'all.

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Donna, you might want to post this question also at the Large Format Photography Forum! I think the issue with these lenses is that they are optimized for 1:1 photography and are not that great for general use, but someone with more knowledge about these will certainly jump in. If I were you I would just list them on eBay and see what happens - someone will pick them up as long as you start the bidding at a low price - what do you have to lose?
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Doorstops? No no no they are not doorstops. Especially the long Apo Artars. Who did you approach in NYC?


Your best bet is to offer them on eBay, one lens per listing. Do not under any circumstances offer them as a lot. If I were listing them, I'd start at $100 each and see what happens. The 480s typically sell for somewhat more than $100, the longer lenses for considerably more.


The one iffy lens, from the point of view of demand from ULF photographers, is the Rodagon G, and that because its intended use is as an enlarging lens for huge (10x - 40x) enlargements. But they are all very fine lenses and people still buy them and use them.


Good luck,



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They have no use in their original application in the printing industry, but some LF photographers use lenses like these. Long Apo-Artar are desired by those using 8x10 and larger cameras. If you search the completed auctions on eBay, or watch for a few months, you should see similar lenses sold for non-trivial sums. The price will depend on the size of the barrel, whether the lens is coated (probably true of all of your lenses), how well they are described and photographed for the auction, and very strongly on their condition. Photographers don't like scratches in the glass.
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I'm sorry for your loss. As to the equipment, the people you approached may have had no interest in these lenses, or they may have been attempting to get them as cheap as possible, but either way you will be much better off listing them yourself. Resellers will almost always pay less than what you can sell things for yourself because they have to fit their own costs + profit in there somewhere. I would second the suggestion to post them on the Large Format Photography Forum, and I would add that posting them in the classifieds here and on APUG.org might increase your exposure.


You may be able to find what some of these have gone for at auction by searching ebay's closed auctions (use the 'advanced' option on the 'buy' menu - closed items will be a checkbox) to get an idea of what they are worth. In a pinch, you could list them in the classifieds as 'make offer over $100' with a 'closing' date and then take the highest offer you get as of that date. You may not get as much as on ebay, or you may get a better deal...


- Randy

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Uh, a 480mm Rodagon-G? 24 inch Apo-Ronal CL? 890mm Apo-Nikkor? And a couple of long Artars?


Donna, these guys are probably trying to be conserative in their replies, I hope you haven't accepted a lowball offer off-list.


Ebay seller Dagor77 could probably get enough for this set to buy a decent used car, or a week in Hawaii. Perhaps you should look him up and check with him - I've seen him sell another person's things occasionally.


Ebay is the way to go, they're as far from being doorstops as that NYC guy's kidneys. Good sharp photos of all sides and the best description you can come up with (listed in the right area) will get you the best prices, and don't throw anything away until you've made sure that nobody will pay a dollar plus shipping for it. I have a machine that takes small collets that would comfortably fit in my nose, and those collets are several hundred bucks new - on ebay they're fifty and up. You never know when a small, seemingly insignificant item will pull lots of money - kinda like diamonds.


Geez, I hope you guys aren't this much help with *my* estate, "yeah, that 360 Symmar-S with perfect glass oughta be worth at least forty bucks..."s

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Very forthrightly: Those are WONDERFUL lenses and anybody shooting a big enough camera to utilize them WILL pay good money for them.


The above advice to search out completed auctions is a good idea. ALSO check out dagor77's listings to see how he describes his lenses; without being verbose he relays the pertinent info about the lenses. He might even help you out with data about your lenses if you can't find it elsewhere; he's a real expert.


Anyway, if I had the dough I'd pay top dollar for just about any of your lenses -- your late husband knew and used good equipment!


Hope this helps. Best of luck to you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning

I want to take a moment to thank you all for your help and encouragement. I started out utterly discouraged but ended up motived and confident enough to put the lenses up on eBay, where I have met with some successes already, and prospects for more. I researched old selling prices, as suggested, and then, rather than put them directly into auction, I set a buy-now price equal to the highest figure I found and opened them up to offers. We'll see... However, the best thing about having queried this forum (this is the first time I've ever participated in such a 'chat') is that I've 'met' some very nice people--quite kind and helpful, one and all. I've been privileged to see some of my respondents' works, and am completely overwhelmed by their beauty and creativity of composition. Thank you, thank you all.

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