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D200 - Continous with mirror lockup and release


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There is a mirror up mode for sensor cleaning - selected from a menu,

and Mirror Up picture taking selected by the command dial.


In fast continuous shooting you need to set the shutter at 1/250 or faster, so the mirror slap will be less significant.


The Mirror up works for a single picture mode. As you can esily see, when you turn the dial into the Mirror Up mode, at the same time you turn Off the Continuous Slow or Fast mode, that is the wheel will change position out of any fast shooting mode. Once you observe that, you will have your answer.


You idea is good, to have yet another mode that would combine Mirror Up with Fast shooting mode, but I do not think this is possible in the D200 camera? - and perhaps cannot be done via a simple firmware upgrade?


Using a remote cable with Mirror Up mode makes a lot of sense, since when the mirror is up, you do not have to touch the camera shutter release button, just use the remote cable switch.

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You cannot shoot in mirror lockup mode and continuous, there's no such thing. You can dial in S, Cl, Ch, Timer or Mup. The best you can do is go into the d5 mode "Exp. Delay Mode" and that will give you a 0.4 second delay before the shot is fired.


This mode works very well for me in dark conditions hand-held and in fact, I like it many times better on the tripod than mirror lock up.


Bolt your camera to something really solid and you won't have to worry about camera wobble.

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"I have a solid pro video camera and will use it to lock down the camera."


I'd like to see that.


And to reiterate what others have said, there is no way you can shoot in either H or L continuous mode while using the exp. delay. It is only available in single-shot and self-timer mode.


I'm guessing your objective is to be able to shoot continuously for 30 seconds without that noisy mirror going up and down. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to do that, though it would be a nice feature.

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It's a rental (from a friend) so I would not do that. But the shoot was tonight and locked down on my big video tripod, it was stable except that I could not find a cable release locally and that was a bit of an issue. But it's only for a short test clip - so I can manually fix the shots.


However, for the actual shoot which will be around 100,000 shots, a proper remote release will be necessary.

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Uh, I do have a nice video camera (DVX100a) but video camera resolution is very low. This film will be at least 1080p uncompressed 4:4:4 but hopefully 2k or 4K (film rez). There are currently zero 4K video cameras (RED is planned by not shipping and will cost $20k for body with out lenses, storage). 35mm motion picture film is brutally expensive to shoot and process.
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