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Photo CD


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I recently had taken Photos of this Lady who wanted me to take a picture of her

for her website and have taken about 40 pictures all together. She has asked me

if I would sell her all the pictures on a CD. I have no idea what this would

cost for I have not done this before. Any help?

Thank you

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Is there anything you want to charge for? I don't think it's reasonable to charge for making a CD of pictures - a CD blank costs almost nothing and takes a few minutes to write. Perhaps you want to charge for the photographic service (i.e. taking/creating the pictures) and then it's somewhere in between how much your time is worth and how much is she willing to pay you.
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The cost to you to burn and verfiy and a label a CD is the trivial part of the total cost, say a buck or two. <BR><BR>What 40 images should sell for is the pickle to figure out, its an art that always needs to be honed. Are you selling her the images for all time to be used for any reason, or just the website? The answer to a question like this is like wanting to know how many roses or love letters a girl needs a year, how much should a pro sports player earn a year, how long is a string.<BR><BR>40 images could be the result of several days work with lights or just a few quick snapshots. Their commerical value might be alot to your client, or not much. When starting out its easy to overlook ones expenses and undercharge.
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Worrying about the cost of the CD is really goofy thinking. Its like a great author worrying about what the cost of a paper draft or CD of a book, and not worrying what the product ; ie the content is worth to the publisher.<BR><BR>If you let folks they will strive to get you to do work for nothing. Dwelling on these trivial cost items is a hallmark of the con/gambit. In a past era folks would say "i will pay for the film", which again is often trivial compared to ones time, travel expenses, printing costs, futzing factor with digital files, etc. Running a business requires one to charge for ones time spent on projects so one can stay afloat another day. One also needs cash flow for equipment, taxes, repairs, consumables. Once that CD is burned you might loose control of the images you shot and sold too cheaply.
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With a job for a client one should track time, materials spent, travel, postage, printing, cd /dvd making, emailing , micromanaging by client, headaches, goober factor for new jobs. This helps with future estimates. After awhile one may only do this with the more troublesome jobs and clients, as your standard pricing will evolve. You also need a street sense of culling out the poor clients that will strive to get you to work for free, or that focus on the trivial expenses and assume your worth is nil. Some clients are skilled at taking extreme positions so they buy everything at little cost. Seeing what others price can also be abit goofy, they may not know what they are really doing.
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