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"Batch" Printing with PS?

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Is there anyway to automate printing in PS CS2 or Elements 2?


Say I have a dozen image files from flatbed scans in a folder on my HD and I

want to print a copy of each one.


At the moment I have to open each file individually and print, one after the

other in sequence. This is both tedious and time consuming.


Is there a way to get it to print the contents of an entire folder with a single

command? (The only adjustment I would want to make to each file is to select

"Fit to Page".)


Thanks in advance for any replies!

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The problem with the Finder approach (on a Mac) or the Explorer approach (on a PC) is that Moray will not have the chance to do "Fit to Page" for each document. I think a better approach would be the following:


1. Open the Actions palette (Window / Actions)


2. Record a new action (click on the icon at the top right of the Actions palette and choose "New Action"). When prompted, give it an appropriate name (such as "CustomPrint")


3. While recording the action, do the following:

i. File / Print with Preview

ii. In the Preview window, check the Scale to Fit Media box

iii. Click the Print button and proceed to print one document


Photoshop will warn you that some print settings will not be saved in the action, so do not print anything else using different settings before running the action. Now run the action using the Image Processor, as follows:


4. File / Scripts / Image Processor


5. In section 1 of the Image Processor dialog window, select the folder containing the images you wish to print.


6. In section 4 of the Image Processor dialog box, check the 'Run Action Box' and select the action you just created.


7. Click the Run button.


If you ever wish to repeat the procedure in the future, the action is reusable (of course), but it will use the *current* print settings. So you might first need to print one document using Print Preview and Scale to Fit Media.

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