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PHOTOSHOP COMPETITION - And the winner is..........


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Is Mary and Marc up to something here? If i was a betting man, i'd bet this is an alternate photo of Mary's. However, i've never been good at bets.


If this is for real, i dread seeing what the next generation of manipulation abilities is going to be like for this, if real, is a sneak preview. Spooky and.....wow.

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<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/bungalowhigh/360019173/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/152/360019173_45818cef44_o.jpg" width="560" height="387" alt="vintage" /></a><br><br>


Playing with:<br><br> lens blur<br>gaussian blur<br>diffuse glow<br>toning (via color-fill layer)<br>darkened the chair with curves and history brush<br>vignetted with feathered fill layers<br>grunge brushes (from <a href="http://www.misprintedtype.com/v3/">Misprinted Type</a><br>and last but not least, the photo corners (via <a href="http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/">Adobe Exchange</a>...)

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jess - you win hands down there. here is my puny effort. Opened in adobe 1998 and

duplicated layer and inverted and blended as "darken" then curves on each layer then a little

dodge and burn then a little sharpening then grayscaled it....mainly, i think.<div>00JYBZ-34461284.jpg.6657c95d4977c921dd732922f29c60aa.jpg</div>

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I waited way too long to enter this, how can I compete with a streaker? hahahahaha


Used a few Kobuta filters: BW Film w/filter Adjustment and Vibrant Glow. Merged them. Created a mask layer, cut the b/g out, copied the adjustment layer, then deleted the copies layer mask, and applied it, the gaussianed the backround of the layer w/o b/d due to them being cut out.<div>00JYBa-34461384.jpg.e7fc5db17330bb3b289656a44d44b410.jpg</div>

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Good job using the CGI, marc - guessing from the theta-lines on your output, you must be using version 2.1... I use this software professionally every day, so i just thought i'd show you how much we've progressed since then.. This is version 4.0, took about 15 minutes to produce (if your computer is fast enough) :-)<div>00JYR7-34465384.jpg.c363230b203b0e796189c3a77a366571.jpg</div>
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Hee, hee good one Sarah. Version 4.0 ... LOL.


Okay, we're gonna erode our credibility in the future if we don't fess up now.


It's was a joke folks ... and Mary was a good enough sport to go along with it. Thanks



Had some of you going huh? Probably because it sounds plausable what with the stuff

they do for movies. Yep, next $10.5 million wedding I land, we'll look into some CGI stuff,

but until then, I guess it's gotta be good old Photoshop and 2D : -)


Well, the "streaker" is an impossible act to follow ... but here's one from me:<div>00JYS0-34465584.jpg.8f976086cbeddc274e17ec509dbf2e80.jpg</div>

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Ok....Ok.... Ok.... did you know that the work gullible is not in the dictionary?


I fall for every one of them. I kept looking at Sarah's and thought.... I can't belive it. I was looking at the background, wondering how it could find something like that. I looked at her neclace, her dress, her flowers. I kept wondering how this program could "guess" what the back side of her bouquet looked like. Or "guess what a different location background would look like. I was thinking that maybe Sarah took the head off the bride and posted it onto another image in the "movie" program.


Good one guys!

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Marc and Sarah,<br><br>


I have access to Version 4.0 of the CGI software at work but alas, am as of yet unable to afford my own personal copy. I make do with CGIMP... You can see that while it doesn't have all the features of the "name brand" CGI software, it can come close with the right imaging specialist.<br><br>


<img src="http://www.masterninja.com/rants/images/dog-wedding.jpg"></a>

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I'm loving this thread... Good joke Marc..


There are so many good ones here I just had to play with the image myself. I'm a total newbie at this AND - Mine is NOT IN THE "COMPETION" because I have to tally the votes and it isn't fair... Plus I want someone else to submit a new image to work on..




With much inspiration from this thread..


I straightened and cropped the image


Lasso on the dress and increase contrast to bring up detail


Clone - toned down smile lines and lines under eyes as well as opened up Emmas left eye. Smoothed the faces. Fixed the background. Fixed Emma's left side of face.


Selective color - lighted midtones


Free - Age photo Action - then decreased opacity


Liquify - pulled up eyebrows a hair and worked on nose and broadened Emma's cheekbone


Lasso - Emma's face and neck and brightened slightly.<div>00JYYH-34467284.jpg.1dfe5ad24655cffb4f4632832dd06d51.jpg</div>

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This picture is not to be voted on. I skimmed the original thread and the part about giving the steps on how it was created went in one ear and out the other...after much tinkering, this is what I came up with...


I know the basics of what I did to create this, but I don't have the specifics for everyone else. It consisted of some channels adjustments, hue/saturation adjustments, the neon glow filter, and various blending modes.


Just wanted to share, and again, no need to vote.<div>00JYik-34468884.jpg.a0504e81406919a227af395e447e2ef5.jpg</div>

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