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Crop/Upsize or new lens?


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Hi all


I am still pondering whether to buy a 100-400L or not.

I have in the past thought about a 2x converter for my 70-200 f2.8L IS, but

decided against it.


If any kind soul has a 100-400L, could they please mail me a sample of shots

taken at 400mm, RAW files, so I could perform some tests in Photoshop, against

my own shots.

As it would make a difference, I have a 1D2N, therefore a 1.3x crop factor.

It would be best if the shots were taken on a similar crop sensor.


Many thanks in advance



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Do a search, I am sure these was a recent question about TCs with the 100-400.


The general conclusion was it did not take either the 1.4 or 2X too well. The 70-200 zooms seem to be OK with the 1.4X but possibly not the 2X. Primes like the 200/2.8 and 300/4 hardly notice the 1.4X and are fine or OK respectivly with the 2X.


It seems to be down to the IQ of the lens, if you have very sharp zoom copies they will be OK with the 2X.


Here OK means some IQ loss over the native lens but lots better than upsizing.

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