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Whoops Kodak - no emulsion

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Anyone ever had this happen?


Recently I shot an assignment - on film no less - with my trusty M6. The piece

was shot on Tri-x, with the last roll being pushed a couple of stops.


I processed the pushed roll and what did I get . . . . Nada, zilch, zero. No I

didn't load the film incorrectly. It actually came out completely barren and

clear - not even the frame numbers or KODAK TX stamps were on the roll. Looks

like I got a roll from a bum batch of emulsion.


Has this ever happened to anyone? I just found it rather interesting.





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"Oh dear. Wouldn't happen with dig..." Hahahahaha...part of my job includes data recovery from corrupt memory cards. Christmas is the time many people shoot the bulk of their images...for the last week I've been averaging 12 or 13 data recoveries a day...with sophisticated data recover software I'm averaging less than 50% recovery.
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It didn't go into the fix first - I especially know this since I was processing in two-part diafine - i could see that possiblity if i had been using another developer, a "single-chemical" for development and another for fix but, I had to go through diafine a, difine b and then fixer. then there's the fact that the film had no number stamps, etc. really weird. . . .


thanks for all the amusing responses! LOL

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I was loading in a rather dark bar but I can tell you that the film did appear normal when I loaded it. However, any other ideas? This is killing me - loaded correctly, processed correctly - what on Earth could have happened. LOL. I guess I'll chalk (is that how you spell it in this instance) it up to a bad day in the quality control room over at Kodak.





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The same EXACT thing happened to me. Everyone made fun of me for putting it in fixer first

- but I didn't do that. What I did do was use a bottle of rodinal that had been sitting half

empty for a year. No developer no pictures and no edge print (which by the way eliminates a

loading error - you would still have edge print). It is probably your diafine, or maybe you

missed a bath in the dark. Don't feel too bad.

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