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ULF colour film: Continuing learning!


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In a post a few days ago, I commented on ULF colour and my scepticism about

the need for it and a perceived dearth of 11 x 14 enlargers. Well, today I saw

a Devere 11 x 14 enlarger- a beautiful, precision engineering marvel. Very

expensive too! The same place has 2 Durst 8 x 10 units.


It is at Elevator Lab in Toronto where Bob Carnie still can use it to make RA4

prints as well as B&W prints. www.elevatordigital.ca


They also are among the few labs with a full Lambda system for making B&W

fibre prints up to 30 x 40 (and larger), from negatives and digital files. I

am posting this not as a commercial plug for them but as information for LF

shooters who have diminishng resources of services.



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