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Copyright Theft


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You are very welcome Josephine.


Have a look at this article (http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2006/04/10/what-do-you-do-when-someone-steals-your-content/), I found it to be very useful in explaining what to do when this kind of thing happens.


I have written to the owner of the website and given him 5 days to remove or pay for the use of my picutes. If this fails I will write to their Internet Service Provider who are obliged to take action.


I hope this helps, Regards, Andrew..

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I wrote an email to the site a few days ago and jus received this response


Dear Gerard


this site open site for student community....


pl sent me u.r copyright photographs...immediately remove ..


if u interested posted u.r photographs ...





I think they are saying if you idetify your foto's to them they will remove them.

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Thanks Gerry,


I wrote to the guy for the second time on the 4th Jan asking that he either remove or pay for the use of my pics, but didn't hear anything back.


I've now sent him (today) a "Cease and Desist" demand giving him a further 48 hours to remove the materials, threatened to commence legal action and to send his ISP a "Take down" notice.


(Under ?512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the "DMCA"), ISPs must remove Web sites or other online material once they receive a "take-down" letter from a copyright owner saying that the material is copyright-protected. ISPs can be liable for copyright infringement simply for hosting this material, unless they comply "expeditiously" with these take-down letters).




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That should get his atteention but I can't understand why I have received a response and you haven't. The Mail address I used was applegrafics@hotmail.com. Good luck anyway. I have also sent details of this response to as many people involved as I could.
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Thanks Gerry,


I'm still waiting for a response as yet and yesterday was the third time I wrote to them. I sent my mails to all 3 email addresses on the "Contact us" section of the website.


I did notice today that Rina's picture had been removed, which is good news; all the rest are still there though.


Maybe my mails are stuck in this guy's spam filter or something.


I'm sure it'll get sorted in the end, one way or another.


Cheers, Andrew..

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  • 1 year later...
There is a photo tracking software. Digimarc imbeds into the photo information that can be tracked no mater where it is or who is using it. It is very useful for just this kind of stealing. For those of you who might be interested in this. it can be found at Digimarc.com.I would only use it on my very best photos though, as it is a bit pricey.
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Hi Jackie,


Thats exactly how I got my images removed; I wrote to the college website administrator via their "contact us" link pointing out that I owned the copyright to certain images and that if they wished to continue using them on their website then I would require a licence fee.


It took a little while and some persistance, but they were eventually removed.


Thanks for the info regarding the tracking software btw.




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