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Copyright Theft


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I just wanted to let people know that today I have discovered a couple of my

pictures in the portfolio of a person calling himself "Sundar" who's portfolio

can be found here:




Photo.net is the only place that they could have been copied from.


This person has a number of photographs in his portfolio and my guess is that

the rest are probably stolen from here also.


Perhaps some of your work has also been lifted by this person?

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Thanks Ellis,


I've already taken steps to resolve the situation regarding my own images.


This persons "Portfolio" is full of other images though, some of which I think I've seen here on Photo.net (a Kingfisher with a fish in it's mouth springs to mind); so I posted the link so that others could for their own images.




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<I>Talk about temerity!</i><P>


I dunno Pico, I think I would've used the word "balls", but I'm not very erudite.<P>


Go get 'em Andrew - that's really a $#!tty thing to do. I'm curious how you stumbled on it though - were you just surfing?<P>


I've often wondered if software could be written that "recognizes" two identical photos - or close enough, within reason - that could perhaps find people who steal photos like this.<P>


That really frosts my u-know-whats. Good luck Andrew; I hope you nail this guy to the wall.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback, I guess the guy is either a genius or a theiving b*!@!rd.


I came across it quite by accident, I was searching/surfing for something else and I noticed that one of the google results had the title of one of my photo's in so I checked it out, and sure enough it was one of mine.


I've written to the site owner demanding an immediate licencing fee payment or removal from his site; the next step will be to take it up with their ISP.


I've not seen or heard of any photo compare software myself, but who knows, it certainly would be useful. I guess the tracking software would work by embedding a code into the file?


I'm sure that this kind of thing happens all the time given the slim chance of being caught out; I'm not sure how one benefits from stealing other peoples work though, maybe it's self esteem thing!!

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Hi Gerry,


You're right, this guy really does have some "Front".


I guess the first thing to do would be to let Maria know about it, then she can take some action.


What I did was to write to the websites owner explaining that I owned the copyright of these pictures and that If he wants to use them on his website then he should immediately make a licence fee payment to me, or alternatively remove them immediately.


If I get no joy with him I will then contact his ISP and threaten them with legal action.

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Hi Andrew

I will do that and have also notified .NET people. I recognise quite a few shots from his portfolio, and spotted yours straight away. I will let you know what Marina has to say on this and best of luck with your actions also.

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Thanks Andrew. Looks like we should also contact Glenn Traver.....the picture of the Duck still has his copyright mark on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will have to wait until I get home to be able to access his email address but in the meantime if you want to let him know also. Maybe you can email Bill Gates about the Windows sample shots also. You have to give this guy 8/10 for stupidity.



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Hi Gerry,


I spotted Glenn's duck with his copyright and dropped him a line earlier this morning.


There are also a couple more with markings, one with Josephine 2006 and another with Cuciureanu but I haven't managed to find out who they are.


I really can't see the point in doing this though, sure people will steal some images to use on personal website, the chances of getting caught have to be slim, but to trying to pass other peoples work off as your own is stupid beyond measure in my opinion. What happens when somebody wants to hire you for a shoot based on your alleged "Portfolio"!!




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Hi Andrew

well, I have been doing some detective work. The Bee Eater belongs to Vezon Thierry



Cuciureanu is either Alexandru or Rares...members of Photo.Net also. I have asked for heir email addresses. It angers me even more to see that "Sundar" could also be a member of Photo.Net. The name appears in the member directory.


I totally agree, what is the point and what does he think he is going to achieve. I am also particularly angry as I work for a UK University and this site targets colleges etc by the looks of it.



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I imagine that it could prove difficult to get any financial compensation; but even though the websites ISP is based in India, the ISP for them (the ISP of the ISP) seems to be based in Houston, Texas so they may be a bit more helpful.


I'd be surprised if this Sundar actually had any of his own pictures posted...

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