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11x14 kodak film


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I don't think you are going to find any color negative film beyond 8x10 unless you work

some deal with Fuji or Kodak. All film is coated on large master rolls, and is cut to size, so

technically, 11x14 color negative film is feasable. While there is a niche market for b/w

materials larger than 8x10, in reality the resolution of an 8x10 color negative is good

enough to make a barn sized print.


McCluney Photo

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Hi J.

B&W film larger than 8 x 10 is usually for contact printing only, as I doubt there are more than 10 enlargers in the world that can still handle 11 x 14 negs. You do not make colour contact prints, so all colour prints are enlarged. With an 8 x 10 neg or transparency, there is no need whatsoever for colour negs that big. Even 4 x5 or 5 x 7 can make barn-sized prints- I have seen them from 4 x 5 transparencies.



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There have been a few special orders with Kodak for 11x14 Portra that I know of, groups as

and a few well funded individuals. I don't know of any current groups, but do recall seeing a

few boxes for sale on eBay.


Richard, why do you say "You do not make colour contact prints"? I know of a number of

photographers who make 8x10 color contacts and enlargments, and one or two like Timothy

Greenfield-Sanders who have made 11x14 contacts and enlargments.

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One can make 11x14 (or larger) color contact prints by using the color corrected light

from a color enlarger and a contact printing frame. Color paper is quite sensitive to light,

and it doesn't take a bright light source, since all color paper is designed for

enlargements. I have made many 8x10 color contact prints that way.


That said, I stand by my statement in my previous reply, that other than the desire to

make contact prints, there is no technical need for color negative film larger than 8x10,

for any size print you could wish to make. To make "enlargements" from a large-format

color negative larger than 8x10, you are going to have to scan the negative, and make

your print digitally, and even finding a way to scan an 11x14 negative will be a challenge.


McCluney Photo

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Yes, my idea is make contact prints from 11x14 negatives with a medium format color enlarger.i haven?t a 8x10 color enlarger and the prices and the space that i need to enlarge 8x10. is only an idea because 11x14 contact prints is a nice size for me and the quality i suppose stunnig. where i live is extremely difficult to have analog

copies. there is no one lab that makes prints from 8x10 in Spain.

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There are several scanners that can easily handle 11x14 transparency or negative film, We

use one the Screen Cezanne ... Creo/Kodak and Fuji also have products that will do the

job. That said we are talking professional machines that are all well over $10,000 (ours

was $35,000 new). I will quibble a bit about the reason to shoot larger than 8x10 but only

a bit. You might get more shadow detail that might be noticable in very large prints (I

mean larger than say 30x40) but the key word here is might ....


Having said that if you can find sufficient like minded souls Kodak will be happy to do a

special cutting of any film for you with a $10,000 minimum order. While tht may seem a

lot it really isn't for those shooting larger than 8x10 where a single sheet of film can cost

$10 or much more depending on the size.


BTW if you do decide you want to san some ULF film send me an email.

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