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Are you manual in other areas?


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I wonder if the M users on this forum strive to be manual in other areas of their lives? Does the Leica "gestalt" flow into other areas of your lives. Or is this a case of being "idiot savants" only where M camera usage is concerned.




For example, I drive a car with a manual shift (Saab 900SE), and would never consider an automatic. If I could afford it I would be sitting in a AMG Benz. In the US it is mostly the European imports that can provide the joy of driving, and the manual shifters. There is a rush to be attained from the process.




However, I use automatic technology where there is no other option. I don't cook on a wood stove but use a gas range.




By the way, I have learned a lot from this forum. I particularly like the Peter Hughes and Mike Dixon portfolios. Why don't others also share their work? I will when I build up a critical mass of pictures that can withstand the armchair Barnacks here. I've only had my M6 for one month.




Thanks again to all,

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<img src="http://www.ravenvision.com/images/lauren3.jpg">


Thanks for the compliment and an interesting question.<p>

I don't use an M6 anymore--I've switched to an R8, which I often use

in fully manual mode. I also have an EOS Elan 7, which I use for my

commercial work, autofocus all the time. I use a Hassy 2000FC/M--

totally manual there. I drive a 5-speed--an old Jeep that I dearly

love--though my next car is probably going to be automatic. And I

moved away from the darkroom and started to print digitally about 18

months ago.<p>I used to have an EOS-1v but all the technology sapped

the joy of photography from me. I find the R8 to be the perfect blend

of old and new. And, of course, the Canon glass doesn't even come

close to the naturalness and sheer beauty of images I get from Leitz

lenses.<p>To sum up, I guess I'd have to say that I try to blend the

best of all worlds.

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I don't drive a shift, but then I don't own a car (when I do, however,

it's usually a rental & they usually only come in automatic in the

U.S.)! I have no problem using automation in photography

(Kyocera Contax G2, point & shoots, etc.) when I feel it's

necessary or preferable.

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Manual in other areas? Sure, where it's appropriate, or better, or the

only choice. I drive a larger car with an automatic transmission, even

though earlier sports cars were all stick shifts. The view cameras -

even more manual than the M6. The Nikons, however, often get used with

auto-focus, and sometimes even with auto-exposure.




I like the lack of automation on the M6 because it encourages a

different approach to photography - a different way of seeing that

with the Nikons. In that sort of mental environment, manual is the

only way to fly - particularly in "available darkness" realms, like

this shot recently at the mission in Carmel with a 50mm Summicron DR

at f2.





<img border=2



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I don't necessarily like "everything manual" but I don't care for

automation without control. I have no problem with aperture- or

shutter-priority auto, or even "Flexible Program", but I never use

the full-auto modes. I drove a standard back when they had only 3

gears and the shifter was up on the steering column. Nowadays, 5 or

6 gears and steer one-handed while rowing a floor shift? No thanks.

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My cameras are a IIIg, R3, Rollei 35 and Chantel (my wife) has a

Braun Paxette. I VW Jetta with 5 speed. A Rolex (the special

edition Leica manual watch for Chantel). Cook with gas rather than

electric, and though I use the computer for this kind of stuff I

write about 6 or 7 letters a month to various friends (yes I use a

fountain pen for these). I have a full digital darkroom (high end

Agfa duo-scan and Epson printer) that I use strictly for promo stuff,

otherwise all my printing is done in the darkroom. If I could be a

luddite I would ;-)

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A very interesting observation.

I usually have my R8 in manual mode although Aperture priority

is used on occasion. I frequently rent a car with a stick shift

(usually in Europe). My endoscopic surgeries are done manually

(Olympus fiberoptics).

Yes, I guess that I value the manual approach!!





PS. Please, no doctor jokes!!

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I drive cars with manual shift and shoot with a Leica M, but I also

shoot with a Canon EOS IX, a Fuji GA645 and would not hesitate

one instant to drive an Alfa Romeo 156 with Tiptronic

transmission. I build computer systems for a living too ...

automation is just as valuable as manual operation in many

many cases.




BTW, Mac OS X *is* UNIX underneath and you can use a telnet

terminal to do whatever you want on your server as well as run

Microsoft Office on it...

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Come to think of it I am quite manual.




My car is manual. I prefer using my bicycle whenever possible ,

no kidding. Like to walk too.




My gardening tools are manual.




I refuse to carry a handphone or a pager.




I cut my own hair using a pair of scissors.




When I chipped my teeth I filed it back with a diamond file !

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I think most of M users appreciate mechanical precision and eshew

planned electronic obsolesence. As for me:




Car, don't have one (travel 100%), I rent; prefer manual, want an Alfa




Bike, completely manual, no auto-shifting infomercial junk




watch, automatic, but completely mechanical. still going strong

after 22 years.




HI-FI - LP's




Colt Python - SILK

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Cars: Toyota Tercel, 5sp. Subaru Outback Wagon, 5sp. Don't laugh, I can haul all the kid and camera stuff and still pretend I'm Sig Blomquist!




Cameras: Korona 8x10 (not much use of late), Ricoh TLR, and Leica R4ses. Oh yes, I use my wifes Rebel 2000 in full auto somtimes to take pictures of our 16 month old son sprinting in the playground.




Other stuff: A mix, although I'd love to get a New Kubota 4wd diesel tractor for my ranch! Anyone got 20K they can loan me?

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It's funny that other than photography, I tend to automate everywhere

and use techonology as much as I can most of the times. As a matter

of fact I have a BMW car that has manual shift as well as fully

automatic plus a sport mode. I use mostly the automatic and

frequently the sport mode. Only occasionally I use the fully manual

mode. But when it comes to photography, I always stuck to manual. One

of the reasons could have been that I felt getting full control is

easier thru manual camera than with the automatic ones. They push me

into taking pictures without thinking much first, which I hate.

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> manual shift




Yep, me too. Also, back when I was a boat bum I didn't have a motor in my sailboat; it died so I gave it away for a mooring anchor. You'd be amazed what can be done when the wind quits with a pair of fourteen-foot oars, anchors and the tide.




Was I dumb or what. <G>

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I have a friend who wouldn't buy a car built after 1971, but he did

finally break down and get a 20 year old truck. He really liked my

Leica when I showed them to him.




As for myself, I do seem to prefer manual control. My cars have

always been manual, and even when I use Nikon D1s or F5s I always use

them on manual. Although I do like the "popcorn" option on my

microwave so I don't have to manually set the correct time.






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Thanks for the kind words, Sikaan. I suppose that, in many respects,

my lifestyle is more "manual" than most.




The cameras that I have with automatic modes generally get used in

manual mode.




My current car is an automatic (short shifting a diesel engine is no

great thrill, anyway), but I usually ride a motorcycle when the

weather allows. Not only do I shift the gears, but I also get to

control the front and rear brakes separately, and toss my weight

around to help control the vehicle.




For cooking, I mix things in bowl or chop stuff up with a knife (no

food processor).




And, if it counts, though my stereo is solid state, my guitar amps are

all tubes.




<img src="http://mikedixonphotography.com/farrahcol12.jpg">

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