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why do my images look so different in photoshop?

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i spend all this time working on an image to make look just so - usually as close as i can get it to my

type c prints of the same neg - and i get it looking all nice and pretty and i save it. then when i open it

in preview or upload it to the web it looks like crap. flat and colorless. why is this? i don't have this

problem with printing - i do very large (30" x 40") digital type c's from drum scans and they look fine.

is there a setting that will make my saved for web images look more like the files i print with?



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You'll need to make sure and save a different copy for web use as the color profiling is different. What you should do is get it looking great with all of your corrections, then at the end, flatten the image, go to Edit > Convert to Profile > sRGB - Then save your image. I also always recommend using Save for Web as it cuts file sizes to a fraction.


A note however, if you're on a Mac, you'll want to convert your file to Apple RGB before using Save for Web only. If you're not using Save for Web, then sRGB should work for all.

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