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I've seen a couple of documentaries on TV recently that have used some sort of a

3D effect on old photos. They pan old photos in the style of Ken Burns, but

they look 3D as well (in some cases with 3 or more "layers"). Is this some form

of layering several photos together, or what?


Anyone know about this?

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Haven't seen it myself, but the first thing that comes to mind is 'stereo pairs' of photos. My guess is that stereo photographs were somewhat more common from the 1930's - 1960's, and they have faded somewhat from popularity from the 70's onwards.


Armed with good hi fidelity stereo pairs, I bet today's video folks can do some very interesting scan/pan sequences.

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When you say 3D do you mean each layer has depth, or does the camera simply move through the "z-layer"? The latter is pretty simple to do with a compositing application like After Effects. You simply take each layer (image) and set its position in 3D, then you animate the camera (i.e., create a path for it).
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1. They aren't stereo photos.


2. It's more likely something like Emre suggests. For example, there will be a photo of two people in front of a wall. The two people are on different planes and the wall is on a third, so, as the camera pans, each of the three move in relation to each other.


3. In some cases it is a relatively simple panning movement, in others the camera actually appears to move through the scene.

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