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Which would you get, M3 or M6 and why ?


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Currently M-less, and looking around for a mechanical M (so the M7 and M8 are

out of the picture).


Just wondering what the differences are between the M3 and M6 (apart from the

meter in the M6, and the VF magnification, of which the M6 has 3 choices,

albeit smaller than the M3) ?



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It's about horses for courses. Ultimately I got both. If I could only have one, then between these two, I would get an M6, as they are more versatile. If you care about wide angle lenses at all, the M6 is a better choice. If you are a 50 & 90mm shooter (who ever uses 135 on an RF), and want the fastest lenses, the M3 is a good choice, especially with the fastest lenses.


One cannot escape making choices. And since we all have to live with the consequences of our choices, it may not help to look at what others have chosen. (A little existential therapy--no extra charge)

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Build quality. Feel. Karma.

The M3 was the culmination point of Leica's build quality. The relative price point was consequently the highest of any Leica (including M7/MP). M2 was built cheaper to drop the price (and other reasons, VF for 35mm etc), a trend that continued with the M4-2-P, M6. MP is in a different category, closer to the M3. It got worse with time...

Having said that, the M4-7 are better made than almost anything else on the market and above statements will have no impact on the photos you take (apart from the emotional plateau phase of holding a M3 in your hand).


If it is your only M and you use wides, you might want to consider the M2 as well.




Disclosure: own a M3, M6, MP (used M2s).

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I had to make this choice myself. I went for the M6 on the grounds that although the M3 can probably be repaired indefinitely, so can the M6, and moreover all M6s are that much younger so they shouldn't need repair so soon. Also, I wanted a black camera, and a black M3 is silly money.


So I have never owned an M3, but I have handled one. I dislike the round-cornered Viewfinder framelines on the M3, but at least they indicate the true field of view at infinity.


Why are you excluding the meter from this discussion? Although I use a hand-held meter by preference, it's surprising how often the built-in meter gets used. On the other hand, the M6 meter introduces the annoying feature that the shutter must be switched to B when you put the camera in a bag, otherwise the battery will quickly be flat. This means it is hardly ready for immediate use. The only logical answer is to fit a 'Rose' switch instead of the standard battery cover. Once you've done that, the M6 is a bloody good user camera.

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Alex, a 20-year old is young, attractive for her cosmetics. Whereas a 50-year old is proven to stick by your side through thick-and-thin. I've yet to see a M3 letting anyone down, nevertheless a M6 is always handy for tricky-light situation. I'll have one of each, thank you.
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Since it sounds like you actually want to shoot, then get the M6. You'll hear from the

nostalgia buffs, geezers, fondlers and other veterans that the M3 is the only way to go.

Fifty years ago it was. The M6 has a built-in meter and is basically a current camera. It's

made for working quickly and efficiently. The die-hards will jump in and say that it's

actually quicker to use a handheld meter. They'll wax nostalgic about the "buttery" feel of

the M3. You'll hear exclamations about the viewfiinder. There will be all kinds of blather

about the hand made build quality. You want the M6. It "feels" just fine. Don't know about

butter since that seems like it would be hard to hold onto. Metering in the M6 is excellent.

Why carry a handheld meter when you can have it built in? Doesn't make sense unless

you're using a strobe meter or a color temperature meter. Have fun. Be happy. Get the M6.

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A lot of it does depend on whether or not you want the meter. I have both, and I often use the M3 and almost never use the M6 (in fact I've loaned the M6 to a friend for a while so she can get a feel for what using a Leica is like).


The wind lever on the M6 bugs me and so does the rewind crank; I like the M3 better in both respects. The viewfinder of the M3 is just incomparably better than any other for 50mm and 90mm lenses - especially when it comes to rangefinder patch flare resistance, where even the MP doesn't measure up - and the mechanics are just perfect.


Loading is a small PITA (not nearly as bad as Barnack Leicas, but still not as easy as M6 - the M6 requires you to have three hands whereas the M3 requires four.)


If you require a self-timer you'll want the M3.

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I vote for M4, which I always liked better than the M3. I currently use both an M4 and M6...but generally I choose the M4 because it just keeps on delivering no matter what the circumstances are. I suppose if I was young and buying, I would go for the M6 as the metering has always delivered good rendition and it is newer...hence probably less prone to repair issues. But for me the M4 is by far my favorite in the RF series (I love the SL2 and R8 in the SLR series with the R3 a close 2nd).
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I currently use two M6TTLs (a 0.58 and a 0.72). My first Leica was an M3; in between I have owned an M4, a couple of M4-2s and an M4-P. Ultimately, I prefer having the built-in meter. Also, the M3 lacks a a frameline for a 35mm lens, which is my primary lens, as it is for many others. As to build quality, in the 35+ years I have been using Leicas, I have never noticed any material difference in any of the bodies. They are all good. I would go for the M6 (but I really like the TTLs a tad better).
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I have two M3's and drive a 30 year old Mercedes diesel with manual tranny and 350K miles on it, all basic with no modern creature comfort features. If you like modern cars, automatic and all those push button electronic stuff go for M6, if you beleive in timeless solid engineering with no fanfare go for M3.



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The ride in a new Mercedes Benz is oh so sweet. No diesel cloud or smell. It depends on what your goals are, no? The M3 holds well as we all know, but I prefer the integrated light meter of the M6 that allows me to concentrate on the shoot, not the camera nor the handheld light meter.
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I find strange that only one mentioned the M2 as a viable alternative. The M2's are in many aspects much more convenient than the M3's and are easy to find in good condition.


The M2 plusses over the M3:


1. 35mm frame. You will eventually want one; not for nothing it has become the most popular length for Leicas. The googled 35's are expensive and not very good. The view through the googles is dismal and using an external finder is, to put it in mild words, a PITA.


2. The cleanest finder ever. The M6 finder, tho convenient can at times be confusing, specially the middle 50/75 pair. Besides, the M6 frames have "conservative" views, meaning that they cut a good portion of the infinity view to allow for close-up framing. A trade-off.


3. Can be retrofitted with an M4 pick-up spool. The M3 can't (you have to pull the take up spool to reset the film counter).


4. Not at all lower in quality to the M3. Probably don't have the complex assembly of the former but they hold as well as the best. My Button Rewind M2 is turning fifty and works as well or better than my Wetzlar M6 or my MP. Simple to work on.


5. You don't really need that M3 135mm frame. Who shoots teles with RF's anyway?


My vote, get a Lever Rewind M2. Cheaper than an M3 by 30% or more and all the Leica you'll ever need. (Meter? Get a $200 VC Meter II. Superb).


Good luck with your choice.

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Wee-Ming Boon Photo.net Patron, dec 20, 2006; 06:46 a.m.

Currently M-less, and looking around for a mechanical M (so the M7 and M8 are out of the picture).


Paul A. - Los Angeles, CA. Photo.net Patron, dec 20, 2006; 01:09 p.m.

Or, just get an M7 and be done with it!




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